Cleaners 'worth more to society' than bankers - study

Dec 15, 2009 15:02

Санитары и уборщики в больницах приносят обществу больше пользы, чем банкиры, утверждает исследование New Economics Foundation. Так, уборщики больницы создают 10 фунтов прибавочной стоимости на каждый фунт стерлингов, который им платят. Банкиры же, напротив, на каждый вложенный фунт приносят 7 фунтов потерь.

Tax accountants are said to destroy £47 in value for every £1 generated

Hospital cleaners are worth more to society than bankers, a study suggests. The research, carried out by think tank the New Economics Foundation, says hospital cleaners create £10 of value for every £1 they are paid.

It claims bankers are a drain on the country because of the damage they caused to the global economy. They reportedly destroy £7 of value for every £1 they earn. Meanwhile, senior advertising executives are said to "create stress". The study says they are responsible for campaigns which create dissatisfaction and misery, and encourage over-consumption.

And tax accountants damage the country by devising schemes to cut the amount of money available to the government, the research suggests.

By contrast, child minders and waste recyclers are also doing jobs that create net wealth to the country.

The Foundation has used a new form of job evaluation to calculate the total contribution various jobs make to society, including for the first time the impact on communities and environment.

Eilis Lawlor, spokeswoman for the New Economics Foundation, said: "Pay levels often don't reflect the true value that is being created. As a society, we need a pay structure which rewards those jobs that create most societal benefit rather than those that generate profits at the expense of society and the environment".

Read all on the BBC site:

via nik_sud

economy, recycling, work, health, consumption, uk, environment, advertising

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