Double Rainbow All the Way!

Sep 06, 2010 21:40

I'm home from Dragon*Con and I have to say that I had an absolute blast! I feel silly saying this was the best D*C ever since this was only my second time going, but it'll be hard to top. The weekend was full of random conversations with strangers, dream photoshoots (and lots of them), and time spent with people I wish I could see more often along with friends I could never get enough of.

On Friday I cosplayed as Ruffnut from How to Train Your Dragon along with samu_chan as Astrid and koneko as Hiccup. Sam looks so much like Astrid and Mer made such a cute little man! We didn't get any pictures on our camera, so I don't have anything to show yet, but we had two different photoshoots along with other random shots taken in the lobby, so there will be pictures soon. That evening Reo and I changed into our 60s attire to hit up the fancy hotel bars for a Mad Men shoot. Mer was gorgeous as Mrs. Draper and her Matt played his part very well as Don. katielovespink also showed up later in the night and seriously made a perfect Joan. We started at the Sun Dial bar in the Westin (the one all the way at the top that rotates giving a glorious 360 view of the Atlanta skyline) and then migrated down the road to the Sheraton bar. Lots of drinks and lots of laughter, it was a perfect way to finish off the first day of D*C. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of these outfits either. Our camera just wasn't in play on Friday, but Leonard came to the Mad Men gathering for a bit, so we're sure to be getting some fantastic photos from him. Also, my name is now Sally, just so you all know. :P

Saturday morning I went to the annual D*C parade along with kpengin, koneko, and Reo. There were so many people there and it was hard to find a spot, but we managed. There are really some hardcore fans out there that are willing to spend thousands and build all sorts of contraptions for their fandom. I can appreciate it. :P After the parade we changed into our super hero gear and met up with pinkheartsunset and vampirate777 for the Guiness World record attempt for the most superheroes in one room. Unfortunately there was some confusion with the time of the event, so not everyone showed up at once. I haven't heard, but I don't think we made the record...but we all did manage to get flashed by a Stormtrooper sitting on the balcony above the room, legs spread, wearing only a towel and a helmet. That we could have done without. Still everyone looked great and it was fun getting together. Mer was Super Girl, Mary was Mary Marvel, Molly was Phoenix, Tom was Gravity, and I wore Shadowcat again. I wish I had gotten pictures of us all together, but I do have some pictures of Shadowcat:

Leonard also took some shots of Mer and me together in our superhero gear (despite us being from different universes)...they should be interesting to say the least. :P On my way to change out of Shadowcat so Tom and I could go to dinner, I was approached by a group of four guys who all proposed to me and begged me to stay with them for the evening. It was both flattering and creepy and I barely escaped back to my room. I was happy to join back up with Tom after that. We went to Trader Vics (because it was so good last year), had some tasty drinks and top-notch food. That place never disappoints!

I had to get up bright and early Sunday morning for a full group shot of Final Fantasy XIII. This event was definitely a highlight of the con for me. We had the entire party from the game and everyone looked amazing. Lionel had built the Shiva bike from the game (which is actually made up of two girls), so we set up in a corner and did a really fun photoshoot with them. I only have a few shots from Tom's camera, but we had shoots with at least six really great photographers so we're sure to get some wonderful shots of this. I had so much fun with everyone! Here are a couple of shots off our camera of the group:

envel was the cutest Hope ever!

Family Picture~

Many more pictures of this group to come, but until then, have some LOLZ:

Oh sorry, were you two having a moment??

Butt shot!

Hope wearing Snow's jacket. It makes him look all grown up!

Lightning is so out of character right now :P

Looking for more than just a brand?


The gang at Pulse, get it?? Gran Pulse! Pulse l'cie! It was too perfect.

Lighting stepping in as Hope's mother figure.

Not cool, Lightning! He's mine, ok?

Also, some lovely animated gifs courtesy of Reo:

I so love these people! Thanks for coming together for an amazing group!!

After the FFXIII photoshoots came to an end, koneko, samu_chan, and I rushed off to get into our secret-chans, which aren't secrets anymore. We all stepped out of our comfort zones and did some the sexiest characters of all time: Felicia, Morrigan, and Lilith from Darkstalkers. Mer and Sam looked so amazing and they had giant wings that were really impressive. Once again, not too many pictures on our camera, at least not too many I want to post here, but we did do photoshoots with three different photographers, so there will be good shots soon. I'm sure there are pictures all over the internet now too since we were nearly blinded by all the flashing cameras. I'm going to let Sam and Mer decide what pictures of these costumes get posted, but here's a preview of me as Felicia:

Chocobo for dinner!

I still can't believe I did this, but honestly, it was so much fun!! We wore them for as long as we could take and then changed into casual clothes, keeping our wigs and ears/head wings on, met up with friends, and made our way through the crowds to a private party on the top floor of the Hyatt. There I got to spend some quality time with some of my best friends late into the night. It was a perfect ending to the best Dragon*Con ever!

I am so sore and exhausted now, but it was all worth it! Also, only 10 days till AWA and I have so much to do! I'll try to post more pictures as they come in, especially of Ruffnut and Mad Men since I don't have any photos of those yet.

Thank you everyone who made this con what it was and an extra special thank you to all of our wonderful photographers!!! ♥♥
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