Dragon*Con is almost here!

Aug 29, 2010 22:47

I know I haven't posted in a while, but I just wanted to say that I'm super excited about Dragon*Con this year! I have a lot of new, fun costumes and I have the privilege of being a part of some amazing groups with great friends!

As an obsessed Final Fantasy fan, I started the year off set on being a lone Vanille cosplayer, but before I knew it a group evolved and I couldn't be more thrilled! Thank you so much to envel, samu_chan, Steve, koneko, katielovespink, and Rob for coming together for this dream group. You are all amazing! ♥

Having moved to Atlanta this year, I've been able to spend a lot more time with some close friends, but there are others who are still far away that I only get to see at cons. That's why I'm so happy that envel and violet_lane are coming into town for D*C. I only wish I could see them more often!

My Costume Schedule

Friday: Ruffnut - HTTYD (Thanks to samu_chan ♥) and the Mad Men party!
Saturday: Shadowcat - Ultimate X-Men (for the hero record attempt) and an HTTYD encore
Sunday: Vanille - FFXIII and kamikazekiss's Secret-chans
Monday: Myself ^^ ...and probably in this awesome shirt reo got me

There's been an upsetting amount of drama building regarding this con, but more than anything I want everyone to do what they want and just have an amazing time! And if I did anything to upset anyone, I never intended to and I'm sorry.

I believe this year is going to be epic and I seriously can't wait to see everyone there! For everyone still working on finishing up those costumes, good luck! You still have time~
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