Argh, FEMA is made of fail

Sep 15, 2008 20:42

Ugh, you wouldn't believe the amount of utter crap going on here. I'm not sure if this is making national news like Katrina did, but FEMA is a fucking JOKE.

First it took 3 days for FEMA to get food, ice, water, etc down to this region. Three fucking days?

Secondly, they have these "Point of Distribution" (POD) centers for the food, water, and ice. So the one in La Porte is supposed to be at Baker Junior High starting today at 10 am. So I tell Evan about it and she gets up there and waits until about noon with a whole bunch of other people and there is no supplies. It's been moved to a church across town, yet the television AND the internet all say the site is supposed to be at the Junior High.

Thirdly, the PODs are supposed to be open until 8 PM. A whole bunch of them closed at 6 today, with people still waiting in line like they had been for the past few hours. There are 3 trailers full of food, water, and ice sitting in a parking lot, but no one to distribute them because they decided to close at 6.

I mean.. are you fucking kidding me? Why can't the government just STEP UP and HELP PEOPLE. They have to do everything so ass backwards and people suffer the consequences for them being complete and utter morons. What lessons did they learn from Katrina? Fucking. Nothing. I'd like to see any one of them spend 4 days without food, water, or ice.

ETA: Oh and the best thing? Alot of these PODs won't allow walk up service. So people who have no food, ice, or water are supposed to drive their cars with NO GAS to a place to pick up these goods. Are you fucking kidding me? How are people whose vehicles were destroyed or who don't have gas since there are no gas stations open anywhere around them supposed to drive their non-existent working cars to pick up supplies? Fucking idiots.

ETA2: They interviewed this poor guy that lived on Bolivar and he said "I was in New Orleans after Katrina and you couldn't want two feet without walking into a National Guard or other federal worker. Here, we haven't seen anyone. Noone rescuing people, no aid coming. Nothing."

living near the gulf coast, stupid goverment

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