... a lady on the news just said that the state is out of ice. That's not cool.

Sep 16, 2008 00:27

I got all panicky not having a full tank of gas, so I went out an hour ago thinking the lines might be shorter in places that still actually had gas. I was right! I just filled up at a Shell near my house. I was driving by and saw some cars so I pulled in. It was owned/operated by two Indian men, but there were all these guys standing around outside directing traffic and pumping the gas for everyone. Of course they wanted a "tip" afterward but I didn't mind; I happily passed over $5 for pumping my gas and directing me into line. The guys were all really nice (even though I did have my hand in my bag on my can of Mace the whole time I was there) and so I now haff full tank of gas. Voila.

I hate this feeling. I have like 18 cases of water (not really, more like 3), but for some reason I feel like I should go buy more tomorrow. It's just me being silly but it's just this panicky feeling. I know I'm okay with food and water and everything, I have power and running water and can boil the water, and I have gas and a means to get around but I'm all still twitchy. Just a very not good feeling. Stomach is all in knots too.

Not to mention there's a helicopter flying in circles around my apartment area. I'm not sure if there's like a high speed chase or something going on but I keep making sure my doors are locked. :S

Okay, I need to go to bed. I'm so tired I can hardly see but I'm all twitchy and stuff. bah!

living near the gulf coast, musings of me

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