Well, I'm back.

Sep 15, 2008 18:57

I'm hooooooome. With electricity and air conditioning and hot water and everything! My apartment has some damage to the exterior, with downed trees and shutters blown off and everything but my apartment is perfectly okay. The carport held up just fine and so my car is also fine.

It's so weird being back. There's tons of red lights that aren't functioning and you can tell the gas stations that are open with gas because there's a mile long line of cars waiting at every one. I've got a little more than half a tank left and don't really plan on driving very far so I should be good on gas until they get more stations up and running and get more gas in the stations that are already out.

I'm so fortunate that I don't live in La Porte anymore. They are without power and water and the FEMA relief (what a fucking joke) has already run out (even though it didn't arrive until TODAY as if people can live without ice and water and such for that long.) I bought a cooler and 7 bags of ice in Waco and so I met up with Evan halfway and gave her all the ice that I had. She might be coming over here tomorrow if their electricity isn't back on. Just watching all the destruction and devastation is just awful. I'm planning on going to the local distribution point to see if they need any help tomorrow.

Thanks so much for all the well wishes and support everyone has given me. I love you all so much. I'm heading off to start throwing everything away from the fridge and cleaning up a bit and unpacking. Will probably be behind on checkin the flist, so if I missed anything important, let me know here.

living near the gulf coast

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