Musings at 1 AM

Aug 21, 2008 01:00

So. TMI post of the chemotherapy side effect variety...

I'm *still* losing hair. It's been steadily going on for 6 weeks, this is a testament to how much hair I had in the first place.

Anyway, when you lose alot of hair and are in the shower, the water makes alot of the loose strands sort of meander down your back and then, if you are lucky, they tend to collect in a very not nice place that rhymes with rutt crack and then wander further into Places Unknown.

So then when you go to step out of the shower, some of the stray hairs that have meandered their way down to where No Long Hair Should Ever Be, tend to.. bunch in or wrap around certain places that might make you go "oooh!" and do a high step dance until you gather them from their hiding place.

But you know... when you haven't been laid in almost a year, are always sick to your stomach, and are dealing with the fact that you not only have this icky cancer thing growing in your body but are also introducing lovely little poisons every 2 weeks..... sometimes that feeling is the best feeling you've had in a long LONG time.

I'm just saying.

burnination of the cancers

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