Okay, so. I've been going through some major changes over the past few months, as all of you know. And I just sort of felt that my LiveJournal needed a change as well.
yanks02 was becoming far too vast for what I wanted. It was becoming more and more fannish and less and less about who I was as a person. I was never able to keep up with my friend's list and as such lost touch with a good number of people that I never wanted to. I couldn't read everyone's posts and comment like I wanted to. I got to where if I would read a certain entry, I would have no idea what was going on because I was so far out of the loop. I didn't want to be like that.
It had been steadily creeping that way for far too long, and then my whole world changed with the diagnosis of my Hodgkin's.
My whole world view has shifted. It takes an event like this to open your eyes and remind you of the person you want to be.
I've also had a pretty significant loss in the past few months. I'm not going into details because this new journal is all about NEW and SHINY and not at all about dredging up the past. Suffised to say, my old journal was far too tied with that loss and I want to rid myself of it. I don't want those old feelings everytime I even look at my user name. This is about the New and Improved (I hate that term though what the hell) Johnna. The one who is not going to be a martyr anymore. I am going to beat this disease and not wander around feeling sorry for myself. Shit happens. You either buck up and get over it, or you let it cover you and cover you until you drown in it. I've been drowning for the past 3 months. I've finally reached the surface.
So this is me. Bucking up. Swimming to shore. (Other numerous metaphors ad nauseum.)
I've added quite a few people from my old journal. People that I am super close with and that don't get a choice whether or not they add me back. You know who you are. *eyes*
I've added others that I've lost touch with but want to try again. I friended you because I enjoy what you have to say, you've been with me for a long time, and I really want to get to know you better. (God, that sounds like a chat up line!) But there is no necessity to friend me back. I'm planning on sending everyone I friended a little note to tell them "oh hai it's meeee!" and then I'll wait awhile for people to friend me back. If you don't want to, it's really no problem - unless you are one of those people I spoke of above that do not get a choice. But seriously. You don't have to friend me back. There will be no hard feelings. I'll remove you and we'll go about our separate business and the world will continue turning.
Okay, so I've rambled A. Lot. Sorry. I didn't mean to. Just wanted to explain a few things to everyone and say welcome! Now I need to go upload some icons and find a mood theme and stuff.
Thanks for listening. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥