Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. Afterwards, post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.
Given P By
envyious 1. Pizza! Delicous greasy goodness.
2. Pride High, my latest obession.
3. (The) Puppini Sisters, awesome and british.
4. Porn...of the fanfic varity. *sigh* A well written fic has more romance than a thousand romatic comedies!
5. Playstation, beacuse final fantasy is love.
6. Prompts, beacuse anything that makes me get off my butt and write is golden.
7. Pretty, beacuse P is a really hard letter.
8. Paul, my dad...and i'm low on ideas.
9. Power, beacuse it corrupts but since i'm already corrupted i think i got jibed.
10. Pleasure, If i need to explain this one consult your doctor.