1. Reply to this post, and I will pick four of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee.
Well i think i can guess why you picked this one. ;-p This comes from my seventeenth birthday party. I didn't wan't real gifts that year so i got favours instead. Sarah painted this on my back as an adaption of the tatto Raven from teen titans has. Yes i really am that nerdy.
This is a rather crappy icon that i made myself in paint. Clearly not where my talents lie. It is used for my love of snarky speedsters.
Way back when the ever lovely Azhole and I saw the Coventant together and divided up the hot bois. This one is mine.
Well Uni is awesome. I had my first test on botanical names and got 100% which i'm psyched about. I turn nineteen in nine days which is also awesome.
Oh on wednesday the waiter at the chinese resturant tricked me into eating duck penis. It wasn't actually that bad.
When i meet up with Cam i bought hot pants. By which i mean pants that are not, not hot-pants. Very important distinction.
I lack inspiration in my writing at the moment so I taking requests. Prompt me bitches!
This entry has not been spellcheckd as i despise LJ's checker and it wont copy to word properly.