'Pull-out method' tied to unintended pregnancies Researchers compiling surveys from more than 2,000 women ages 15 to 24 found 31 percent had used the pull-out method, also known as withdrawal or coitus interruptus, over the last two years.
Of those women, 21 percent reported having an unintended pregnancy. In contrast, 13 percent of women who only used other forms of birth control got pregnant unintentionally.[...]
When used properly, withdrawal carries about the same risk of pregnancy as condoms and diaphragms, with failure rates of 15 to 24 percent per year. But because withdrawal requires good timing and communication between partners, some experts estimate that failure rates may be even higher, between 18 and 28 percent.[...]
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 37 percent of U.S. births between 1982 and 2010 were unintended at the time of conception. Over three-quarters of births to women ages 15 to 20 were unintended and half of births to women ages 20 to 24 were unintended.
Напомнило мне это отрывок из "The Savage Detectives" Боланьо, который я уже как-то
Then (but first I had pushed my pants down to my knees) I got on top of her and entered her.
"Don't come inside of me," said María.
"I'll try not to," I said.
"What do you mean you'll try, you jerk? Don't come inside!"