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Aug 24, 2008 01:23

Oh life, how swiftly you float by before I even notice you. I look back to see your hours and days and minutes drop off into oblivion, crashing into the ever rising pool of my memory.

There's been a lot of craziness lately, my dad had another tumor removed, only football sized this time though. Reuben flew home strait from Afghanistan for ten days to be here for the surgery and everything. He managed to buy a motorcycle in the short time he was home though, I drove it the other day and it is FUN. It was a crazy ten days.

The bike trip was hardcore, it's definitely my favorite trip. I was really proud of all the girls, we did awesome, and it was so much fun! We swam in lakes, we camped every night, we ate cookies,we made it up impossible looking hills, we threw rocks at raccoons in the middle of the night...we were rockstars.

Summer is almost over, but I wish it would go on forever. I have had so much fun with new and old friends this summer, and I've gotten so much closer to God. Reading the Bible every night really helped, and the book Captivating kinda fell in my lap and helped me grow in my relationship with God and faith in His plan. It taught me a lot about seeking God first, and with all my heart. It is so wonderful to know that God delights in me, and to realize that he is always protecting me and giving me gifts. I have had some awesome times with just myself and God this summer. Tonight I went swimming at midnight by myself, the water was beautiful and crisp, the stars seemed brighter than normal, and lightning in the clouds to the south was brilliant. I drove up to five mile hill afterward and the golden moon was hanging perfectly over the lighted city. God is beautiful.
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