I think she's plotting my death

Feb 05, 2010 18:58

Have been working away on Whisker's today and...well shuffles she's kind of creeping me out at the moment ^_~ it is so weird to have part of the picture entirely done while I just begin to fill in the new stuff

I've been working on her face and what of it that I have outlined makes it look like she's grinning at me and with those eyes....Shuffles I think she's plotting my death....

It is now my goal to finish that part of her face as quickly as I can in the hopes that I won't be in fear for my life ^_~

Also Heero's re-entered his clingy 'I want to be with you all the time mummy' phase I've noticed it seems to come and go. I thought for a few years that this was a seasonal thing, he seemed to want to be in my lap more during spring and summer [hurray hot cat during hot weather...but I'm usually cold so it's all good] whereas in fall and winter he seemed more content to sleep in his heated kitty bed [remember these kitties Are NOT spoiled]

I think he's taken offense to my cross-stitching since I pay so much attention to it. He's in the habit now of wanting my lap whenever I sit down and not making a spot for him isn't an option. He mews pathetically and walks across my shoulders or digs at me until I make a spot for him. Thanks to the stand my dad built I can accommodate a sleeping kitty in my lap so long as he doesn't try to attack the thread I'm working with. For the most part Heero is just happy to sleep in my lap.

easily amused, heero, whiskers, kitties, cross-stitching

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