Pick Up Lines

Jul 01, 2009 11:12

This was requested by xakliaaeryn.

a fic where John tells Elizabeth "Baby I’ll treat you like my homework - I’ll slam you on the table and do you all night long!"

Enjoying a drink and each other's company was something the inhabitants of Atlantis rarely got to do.

Elizabeth glanced around and smiled at the relaxed faces and sounds of laughter coming from her people. It had been a stressful few weeks and she was more than happy to issue some down time.

"You know, usually it's my job to make sure you don't drink too much."

She looked up from behind her glass and smirked at her military commander before taking another sip. "That's off-world John. I'm perfectly capable of holding my Earth liquor."

John took a seat next to her, backwards, and leaned his elbows on top of the table. "I seem to recall a New Year's celebration two years ago that-"

The ice made a loud clink as she finished her drink and swung the glass down toward the table faster than she intended. "We promised to never speak of that again Colonel."

Beaming at her he pointed toward her glass. "Can I buy you another drink?" He flashed his mega-watt smile and Elizabeth fought the urge to roll her eyes. Instead she twisted her hand causing the ice to swirl around in the glass.

"John Sheppard, was that a line?"

Promptly ignoring the swarm of butterflies that suddenly decided to take flight in his stomach at the arch of her eyebrow, he fired back. "If I give you a line, Elizabeth, you'll know it."

John was sure her eyebrow couldn't go any higher. He was wrong.

"Really? Well that sounds intriguing. What kind of pick up lines does the famous John Sheppard employ?"

"Oh you know the usual, "Do you come here often? What's your sign? Baby I’ll treat you like my homework. I’ll slam you on the table and do you all night long.""

There were few things in life John enjoyed more than making Elizabeth laugh. He'd be sailing around on her waves of laughter for a week on that one.

Elizabeth finally pulled herself together enough to speak. "That last one had to have come from Rodney."

"Are you suggesting I have to get female advice from McKay? Elizabeth, you really know how to hurt a guy." He smiled back at her but suddenly turned more serious. "Besides, you're too good for any pick up line."

A rosy blush spread across her face just as her stomach started to tingle. She reached out and pushed her empty glass into his hand, smiling up at him from below her lashes.

"I'll have a vodka and tonic, Colonel Sheppard."

He took one last longing look at her before breaking the moment. "Yes ma'am."


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