Wow, busy

Jul 05, 2009 17:26

Lots of stuff going on. The biz is going ok. Getting some publishers here and there so that's cool.

We hired a new guy at work for my team. He starts on the 13th and guess who's in charge of him? Yep, I'm going to be responsible for training this guy. Poor dude. I'll be coming up with a training plan this week on top of doing all the dozens of things we have going on already. Fun times.

I am currently on Season 3 of Bones and loving it. Amazing show. The one episode in season 2 that David Duchovny directed was impressive. The man knows how to shoot.

I'm on The Shrine in season 5 of Stargate: Atlantis. Going slow on this since once it's over, it's over. Not to mention it's no where near as good as it was. Oh well, iampeople and I are going through it all again and are about half way done with season 1.

I've had a few people tell me Avatar is great so I'm going to start that soon thanks to mad_scotsman. I'd like to get it all done before the movie comes out and I should have enough time to do that.

I've started reading the first Kathy Reichs book. So far I like it, I've just not had the time to read much.

Which brings me to the writing. I know I have a lot going on and it's taking me longer and longer to get stuff posted. Sorry about that. I've just found it's better for me to write whatever I'm in the mood for and not try and restrict myself. And currently, John and Elizabeth are my main focus. Don't worry though. Tony and Michelle aren't going anywhere for me. Everything will get finished and I still have tons of ideas written down so I don't forget them. Just know that you will see a mix from now on. I've gotten a prompt for J/E recently that I'm trying to finish and the next chapter of Music has been started (otherwise astrum_presul was going to kick my ass).

I'm going to try and do a new header and some more images that kinda mix my two genres since T/M isn't my only focus anymore.

Dragon*Con is fast approaching and I need to get my outfit all done for that. Lots of pieces to order. I'll post a pic once I have the entire thing ready. I'm basically going as a female Sheppard. The guy is just badass, what can I say? I was hoping a friend of mine could make me an Atlantis jacket but alas, she doesn't have the time to finish before the con. Oh well. There's enough of his outfit for me to do it without the jacket.

I've been really quiet on this thing with the personal stuff and I'm hoping to change that. I'm sleeping now for a change. Doc gave me Ambien and besides the amnesia and occasional sleep walking, it's working great. I dread when I have to stop taking it and go back to not sleeping but, can't take sleeping pills forever so I have to do it in cycles. Thanks a lot for the crappy genes family. BAH.

I think I've bored you guys enough now. Back to the writing. Hope everyone is having a good summer so far.


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