An Idea...or "Be an adult...stay in school"

Jul 22, 2006 14:06

So, everyone has all sorts of crazy ideas on how to get kids to stay in High School and not drop out.  I came up with what I think is a brilliant idea.

I call it "Graduated Adulthood."

Currently, Nebraska has a sort of graduated adulthood - as in you can drive and consent to sex at 16, really drive and vote at 18, and actually be a real adult at 19, unless you get married, when you can be an adult as soon as that happens.


My Graduated Adulthood concept has a capital G because it's different.  I refer to Graduated as meaning "from high school."

Here's the skinny:

We raise the age of majority (the one that's currently at 19) to 21.
However, if you have graduated high school AND are at least 17, you are automatically "emancipated," giving you full adult rights and responsibilities.  (Sorry, Smokers and Drinkers, this don't change those ages!)
High school equivalency will count (so that home schoolers don't freak), but you'll still have to be at least 17.

If people don't like the 17 age, then 18.  (Just don't make it 19!)

This would make High School Graduation LITERALLY a right of passage into adulthood - when you're done, you're a full adult.

What do y'all think of my proposal?  Comments encouraged!


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