20 letters from you Chapter 1 part 3a

Nov 16, 2008 01:39

The 3rd letter…

“Zero-sama; there’s been an accident in the Shibuya district. We need your assistance.”

“I understand. What’s the situation?”

“A terrorist attack.”


His eyes lowered; rage filling his body.

What the fuck; does that mean Lelouch’s sacrifice was in vain?

“I understand I’m on my way.”

He hung up and looked outside; the sky was grey; a grim grey. The outside world looked dull and unattractive and his hatred towards this world was growing as the days went by.

“…Don’t worry…Lelouch…I’ll make sure your death wasn’t in vain…”

He suddenly stopped and looked at his drawer. Inside those drawers contained letters from the ‘supposedly dead’ Lelouch. He was still sceptical about all of this; which is why he still refers to him as being dead. He has to be…right?

After all I was the one who did it…

Despite these feelings; Suzaku however kept writing to him. With that glimpse of hope that had been hidden away deep within himself. The hope; that he is alive and well out there somewhere; waiting to be found.

Shaking his head; he looked around his room spotting his cape and helmet. Grabbing his sword; he put his Zero helmet on and wrapped his cape around his body.


He turned around and noticed that the candle was still on his desk with the name; Lelouch, engraved into it. Smiling sadly he whispered;

“All hail Lelouch…”

He ran down the grand stairs when her highness stopped him with her gaze.

“Ano…are you going to investigate that terrorist attack?”

Zero stopped and looked at the young empress.

“Yes, your majesty…these terrorists are threatening the peace that your brother worked so hard to achieve; I cannot allow all his efforts to be in vain.”

Nunally didn’t say another word; rather she just stared at him surprised by his response. Zero stood there waitng for a reaction until Nunally eventually smiled and whispered; “Come back safetly…”

He nodded and then carried on running and ran outside into the grey world; leaving behind the young empress with hope, that there is a chance Zero will be able to open his heart once again.

He sat patiently in the car; with his legs crossed looking out the car window. Everything was such a a contrast when the sky was grey. The world didn’t seem as beautiful or happy as it seems with a blue sky.

I guess the sky basically controls the world’s beauty…ne?

“We’re here Zero-sama.”

He looked up and noticed in front of him there were a few dead bodies and tons of rubble in front. All trapped by a warning tape. He frowned; he couldn’t believe this was happening.

Walking out of the car; he slammed it shut and walked pass the police guards without stopping to acknowledge them. Of course the police guards were a bit stunned however, because it was Zero, they decided to do nothing. After all, this was their saviour; the one who killed the savage, power crazy emperor.

“Zero-Sama, thank god you’re here.”

Zero didn’t respond and just walked up to him; looking around.

“Erm, from what we heard this attack only happened an hour ago…so they mustn’t have gone far…”

“The bodies are fresh…”

The captain stared at Zero hard; that was a weird thing to say…wasn’t it?

“I’ll scout the area.”

“Understood, do you need any from my me…”

He suddenly stopped as Zero disappeared in a flash into the half destroyed buildings. He’s a bit strange.

Not strange…just misunderstood…

Landing on the ground he reached into his pocket, pulling out his gun and walking carefully deeper into the building. Everything was quiet; too quiet even a sigh could have echoed. His eyes scanned the seemingly empty building; something doesn’t feel right one bit…


Zero jumped backwards; his heart skipping a beat.

What the fuck…

He looked up and noticed four men with guns pointing at him. He stood still waiting; waiting to see who would make the first move.

Wait for it…


There it was…

And he used his ridiculously extreme athletic skills to dodge the bullets and take cover behind a wall of broken bricks. He hid behind the pile of rubble; flinching every time the gunshot hit the areas around him;

Shit! What should I do?

The shooting stopped for a second or two which Zero used to turned around carefully and look up. He positioned his gun and looked carefully to where the terrorists were.


He pulled the trigger.

Damn I missed.

They began to shoot again which made Zero retreat back down waiting for the next chance. It was odd for him to miss a target. He used to be able to shoot someone in one go…maybe he was losing it, or maybe he was just so tired.


Zero broke out of his thoughts and looked behind him again.


He then began to run fast; towards the terrorists hiding place; with his sword out. The very same sword he used to kill…

This is your punishment…


His eyes widened at the random realisation and he lost his concentration. Suddenly, he felt a gunshot wound in his stomach area.

Shit; I’ve been hit…

He began to stagger.

I…I need to keep going…

He then charged again; dodging the bullets as much as he could.

Crap, It hurts…I thought they ran out of amo…

The gunshots became faster; causing Zero to stumble often. Blood was running down the Zero suit; dripping to the ground. It was stinging the wound; stinging to the point where he couldn’t really concentrate. He looked around frantically looking for shelter; shelter from the bullets.


He dashed to a half destroyed wall and hid there; his hands trying to stop the wound from bleeding. He began to pant his whole body giving way to the darkness.

I can’t die…not yet…

He felt the geass ringing in his ear; squeezing his whole mind and soul. Screaming repeatedly;

You must live!


Suddenly there was rumbling sound from above; Zero looked and suddenly found himself staring at big boulders of rock and rubble tumbling down. In a rush of panic he covered his head with his bloodied hands; his eyes clenched shut awaiting the end…

Na, Lelouch…would you still wait for me?



The Guren and many knightmares came in at once; the distant cries of dying men could be heard along with piercing gunshots.

“Sorry we’re late Zero-sama.”

This pain…

He fell to his knees; his hands on his stomach and felt the darkness consuming his mind. Everything was slowly becoming numb and a boy appeared looking at him with worried eyes. With his last conscious breath he whispered;


http://xxtsubasaxx.livejournal.com/6423.html#cutid1 <----------- part 3b

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