20 letters from you Chapter 1 part 3b

Nov 16, 2008 01:44

He couldn’t remember the last time when he was able to sleep; since he became Zero he had to stay up most nights sorting out the security and meetings for the empress. The Empress countless times offered to do it herself but Zero didn’t want her to strain her already fragile body. Besides; even if he did try to go to sleep he wouldn’t be able to. All he would be able to see was that face…that content face of a dying man…looking straight through the mask into his soul.

“Will he be alright?”

He liked where he was; he was in a field similar to the one near the Kururugi shrine. There were sakura petals flowing through the air and the sky was a calm blue. Innocent laughters would echo throughout this place; at the same time pierce his body, shredding through his shield. This laughter would often lead him to the very same spot; amongst the flowing sakura blossoms and long, swaying grass there would be a boy; a teenage boy with deep violet eyes.

“I’m not sure…time will tell…”

Zero would often find himself calling out to the boy; like a parent to a child…no like a friend to a friend…no that’s not it…

Like a lover calling for him to return.


“Are you sure you can’t do anything?”


“I’m afraid not your highness…”

“Your highness…?”

In a full on rush, he found himself staring at that familiar white ceiling he often was faced with.


He looked to his side and found the empress there beaming a smile of relief.

“Your majesty…?”

“Thank god you’re all right; you had me worried you hear? When I heard that you had been shot and collapsed from Kallen I nearly had a heart attack.”

He looked down and whispered; “I’m sorry…”

“Don’t be…”

Zero touched his head and realised his helmet was still on; sensing Zero’s surprise she quickly responded;

“Erm, well I knew you wouldn’t have liked to be seen by anyone else without your helmet on so…I made the doctor leave it alone…”

Although Nunally may have not realised but Zero was smiling at her; at her kind heart, at her thoughtfulness, he was truly grateful to be her knight; her Zero-sama.

“Will I be okay?”

“Of course! Zero-sama is stronger than that ne?”

He smiled and nodded; “Yeah…”

“Ne, is there anything you would like me to do?”

Zero stared at her for a moment and slowly responded; “Could you get me a pen and paper…that is all I want…”

She nodded and drove to his desk picking up a pen and paper; and drove to Zero’s bed handing it to him with a soft and innocent smile.

“Thank you…erm it’s late your highness…you should get some rest.”


“Don’t worry I’ll be fine, I am an adult now.”

“Okay…Goodnight” And she began to drive off when she suddenly stopped; “Oh and don’t you dare get up; you need to let your wounds heal.”

Zero softly laughed which caused Nunally to flinch at the unfamiliar sound.

“Hai, Hai.”

He laughed?

In pure happiness she drove out of the room down the corridor; Ne, Onii-sama…there is hope isn’t there?

He stared at the paper in his hand and wondered what to write; he shuffled but winced at the pain he felt and touched his bandaged stomach.

“I can’t believe I’m alive…heh…maybe it’s this geass you have on me…”

There was a terrorist attack today; I felt a bit angry at how the world would still be like this, even after you did all that for peace. Though I did kind of expect it, nothings perfect, nothing is at all. No matter how much we strive for perfection, sadly no one can reach it because there isn’t such a thing.

He paused and looked at the helmet laid next to him.

I got shot as well, don’t worry I’m fine. Just a wound nothing fatal…I feel as though I’m losing my touch. Maybe I’m just tired. Yeah I’m tired; so, so tired. I don’t think I can carry on wearing this helmet anymore.

Hanging his head; he felt dry tears forming in his eyes. However they soon disappeared and he lay down with the paper; in his hand and closed his eyes wanting to escape it all.



I knew this from the start; however I did achieve something…Nunnally’s happy..right? She’s always smiling right? Knowing this I can smile peacefully.

However, I’m worried about you.

Terribly worried.

Don’t do anything irrational, I don’t want you to die on me before I arrive.

You worry me Suzaku; you need to know that there are people out there that care…. like I do.

Don’t push yourself too hard.



aarrrrgh s annoying =_= stoopid LJ complaining about it being too big =_= ahh well :)
I was gna make it one whole fic but i realised there wud be to much so im splitting it into chapters :) Enjooooooy D
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