Whoosh~ It's been one year since I last updated!

May 26, 2008 22:46

XD Yupyup~ It's been a year since I updated, officially, *only knows 'cause Sarah-chan told her yesterday* I'm really bad at keeping up with lj ne? But I'll try to come back on more often now~ 8D

I realized this is my first post since I entered High school. *gasps* Gr. 9 was a fun year, but I'm dreading all the projects exams and the playing tests for music. DX

Anyways, Last weekend was Anime North so that's where I was all Saturday. It was pretty fun, my first time at a con, so it was certainly interesting. I dressed up in Lolita clothes with my friend and we proceeded to scare everything on my street by walking around with it on. XD We also ate at a restaurant nearby where everyone stared at us funny. Luckily everything changes once you get near AN.

We ended up getting split up with the friends we came with so yaa... But Jen, Jessica and I stayed together.

So many cosplayers~ We ran around looking for cosplayers for characters we knew. Unfortunately, we were all stupid and forgot to bring a camera so that wasn't too good. But we had phone cameras so we proceeded to find our victims. xD

Our first victim was a Lavi cosplayer who looked so creeped out when we screamed LAVIII~ XD I was about to go CAN I HUG YOU? But he looked so scared I ended up asking for a photo instead. >>;;

Then as we were walking by this person was handing out cards to the maid cafe to all the boys. When Jena nd I walked by in our Lolita clothes the person ignored us. However when Jessica walked by, they handed her one. XD Nya, she's officially a man~ XD;;

Then we met up with another friend, who had a camera so we could continue asking people for pictures. >>;; Unfortunately, we didn't actually get that many. And I don't even have the photos yet. DX I'll post them, perhaps when I somehow get my hands on them. XD It's strange, 'cause so many people asked for pictures, yet I know I'll never get my hands on those pictures. DX

One of the best cosplayers there was one who did Cross Marian. He was selling stuff int he dealer's room though. I wanted SO BADLY to tell him to come out so we coudl hug him. >w<;; And he had Timcanpy on his head too. Such an awesome cosplay. *tear* Heck, there were so many good cosplays~ DX

We got a picture with Young Miles Edgeworth, that was a good cosplay too, the outfit was really good. >w< I got a picture with Gintoki and Zura, which made me wonder why no one cosplayed Elizabeth. XD;; I saw Hibari walk by me while crossing the road, too bad it was quick, or I would've asked for a picture.

There were so many Haruhi Suzumiya's and L's~ And we saw Pedobear~ 8D And we saw 8 Lavis~ The Lavis were awesome. *o*

But ya, that's pretty much all that was for AN...


We meant to go again on Sunday, but in the end we didn't. We didn't have rides and bussing was a lil troublesome. DX A bit of a waste of a weekend pass, but since we pre-reged we saved line up time and got it for the same price as Saturday anyways.

Sunday I felt moody and crap. X.x probably 'cause I wanted to go to AN but then the next mornign I wasn't sure if Iw anted to go, by the time I was convinced I wanted to go, we ended up not going. X.x But it was all good since I didn't feel very motivated to go anyways. But then Jen suggested we go to P-mall. And I was all like nyeh. and then after mentioning bubble tea and doing our homework there instead I was suddenly motivated to go so I was happy again. But then my mommy wouldn't let me go until I acutally finished my homework. So that got me pissed.

I mean getting my hopes up and then smashing them twice in a day? *sniffles* I think it's almost that time of the month, 'cause I felt pretty pmsy yesterday. XD But I got on msn and went all hyper again so ya. And I actually didn't procrastiante so much for once. Whooosh~

Ah, I feel so broke now, I really need to find a job over the summer. X.x Especially after AN... I also donated my leftover money to Earthquake relief, WHICH I THINK EVERYONE READING THIS SHOULD DO IF THEY HAVEN'T ALREADY~ I mean just imagine those people there suffering right now. DX And the pandas~

And since I donated that money, no more going out for me. Ah, still need to ask my mom for money for the music banquet. She's gettign pissed at me for using so much money. DX

At dinner tonight, somethign amusing happened. My bro. dropped me off at home because he needed to go buy breadcrumbs, we were making friend pork cutlets for dinner. I went inside and saw my mommy. I found out that she went to Sobeys and bought some stuff back. Just like jam, cookies and stuff. And a chicken. After a while my mom was like hm, what's taking him so long? Isn't he just getting breadcrumbs. And I was all like, maybe he's getting something else. Haha, Maybe he's gonna bring home another chicken!

And then he comes home... with a chicken... and all of us just burst out laughing. XD;; Now we have two chickens we'll have to eat up. XD

1 year, moody, chicken, update, anime north, earthquake relief, family

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