Back from Ottawa~ But more importantly POTC 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 26, 2007 22:04

OMGOMGOMGOMG~ Pirates of the Carribean 3 was AWESOME~ <3

Before I continue with my spazz on the movie, I'm gonna have to push my pic spam entry later again... Pretty much because I have yet to upload all the Ottawa pictures, and stolen from my friends... This means over 2000 pictures to go through and choose which to go here... XDDDDD Not including the random ones we took today at FMP.

Anyways, today we went to watch POTC~ We managed to get decent seats and all. I must say the movie was amazing~ Jack Sparrow was as awesome as always~

There was so much about Betrayal and stuff. *tries not to spoil too much* Definitely worth the hour wait beforehand to get good seats. XD I SO want to watch it again...

The movie started with me go "Wtf? What's happening?" But then it slowly started to make sense and the 9 pirate lords were introduced. I loved how they had all kinds of pirates like Chinese and stuff. The movie started with Captain Burbosa (sp?) in Singapore~ xP

And then it went to Jack Sparrow in Davy Jones' locker with a crew of himself. Well actually it was him sniffing and finding a peanut. And then suddenly another Jack Sparrow walks over wearing the captian hat and shoots the guy and takes the peanut. XD Man, he's so cool when he talks to himself.

And then a bunch of stuff happens. Davy Jones gets controlled by the East India Trading company dudes. etc. etc.

*skips a bunch and just goes to the favourite parts*

There's the part where Jack gets stuck in the jail of Davy Jones' ship and he starts to talk to himself again. And then there's one which looked like Jack as part of his crew. He took off his hat which was connected to his braina nd licked it. Then, when Jack escapes he was all like "Nobody move. I lost my brain." XD

Elizabeth Swan gets voted to be King of Pirates... ._.;; All thanks to Jack Sparrow. xD

I feel so sad for Will Turner~ Like right after he married Elizabeth, he gets stabbed by Davy Jones. And to save him Jack stabs Davy Jones' heart and Will becomes the new captain of the Flying Dutchman. D:

*skips a lot more stuff* Uh ya. I have horrible memory XD

After the movie, we hung out at FMP for a while. Witty, Adam, Jason, and Benny all got dinner while me and Jessica were full from the popcorn. XD Then we fooled around at A Place for Us and took tons of pictures. Lots of the guys acting all funny and stuff. xD

And then we went out and did a couple of Charlie's Angel (gay version) pics along with the guys each cat walking. XD It was so funny! >> Jason could do the Jack Sparrow walk so well!

Um well, basically we had an awesome day. xP
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