Lalalala~ *poofs out from nowhere*

May 22, 2007 20:48

I poofed again didn't I? XD I meant to write an entry two weeks ago about Track and Field. Oh how I hate Track and Field... It was like a tear-fest for me who's oh so emotional... And I felt so bad for Witty who couldn't participate because she twisted her ankle... D:

Um ya, now that that's over...

I can't even remember what happened in between. XD So basically this'll just random bits I remmeber... >> I have memory problems already, I wonder what'll happen when I get old... X.x

I do remember that I got to play on a Wii~ 8D OMG~ IT WAS SO MUCH FUNNNN! Rayman was the best game ever... LOL~ The bunnies look so awesome~ 8D Kyaaaaaa~ It's so cool... I so want a Wii now...

Hm, what else did I do? I remember watching Pirates of the Caribbean 2 in class~ It was the day after Track and Field and before we went over to Tracy's house to play with the Wii. <3 I never knew POTC was so good~

My friend even drew an awesome picture of Jack Sparrow~ 8D Or well, a girl cosplaying as Jack Sparrow? >>

And the next week, Witty, Jessica, Alvin and I all went to Adam's house to watch the First movie. XD It wasn't as good as the second one... D: I can't wait until we watch the third one nya~ ^^

Speaking of which, I also want to watch Shrek Three... *_____*

Moving on... Last Friday Jessic anad I went over to Jen's house to watch Kamikaze Girls~ 8D It was such a cool movie... >> Gahhh~ I really want to read the novel now... D:

And then on Saturday our family all went to Vaughan... X.x I HAD to choose that day to wear a skirt and those shoes... >D Those evil evil shoes that gave me blisters... X.x And it felt so weird in a skirt, since I'm not a person that usually wear skirts. XD

And on Sunday? OMG~ That was the day I bought TWO more dresses... My grad. dress is gonna change now... >> I'll save the more elaborate one for something else... xP

And it was also the day my mom bought me A DS~ <3<3<3 I'm currently obsessing over it so that's probably why I haven't been doing much of anything else lately... xD

And also when we were at JCY jewelleries, my mom's friend gave me a pearl bracelet as a Grad. Present... O_O I was shocked... *___*

And then on Monday Jen, Witty and I went to P-mall... xP It was fun nya~ ^^ And of course we took pictures~ 8D Which I'm too lazy to scan so I'll include all that possibly in my next entry?

AND OMG~ I've gotten addicted to Yakitate!! Japan lately~ <3<3<3 It's so amusing~ xP And I'm also watchign Air Gear, but Yakitate Japan is totally overpowering that. I also have to download the Air Gear manga... XD

Because of our grad. trip I won't be here for a bit~ ^^ I'm going to be at Ottawa for the next couple of days so I'm sorry if I don't reply or read your journals etc. etc. for a while~ >>
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