Man, I can't remember when I last updated

May 07, 2007 14:27

Although I can remember when I was last thinking of updating. I meant to post the pics of Puerto Rico like ages ago... But over a month has past since I went so I guess when I'm less busy I'll just do a random picspam of stuff that I have been too lazy to put up.

And oh right, I remember why I didn't post about PR now... Because lj was being a bitch to me and decided to freeze and not save my draft again. *shakes fist* >D

Now, before I continue... I'M SORRY TO ALL MY F-LIST! Yeah, sorry for not checking my lj for like, months... I'll TRY to get my arse back on lj from now on. Lol~

Um ya, I'm sick like a lot of other people have been... so much stuff has happened these past... months. >> Like me going to Puerto Rico~ I really miss the weather there...

Fast forward on my life and we'll have Arts Night, which required our band to play to the parents. I only have two words for that: WE sucked.

Oh hey, I just realized, WE can also mean Wind ensemble, which is the name of our band. XD *bricked*

We also made this Poetry Café thing in our homeroom. We did Poetry Slams and stuff like that. That sucked too but oh well. It was pretty fun. We managed to get everything done memorized, not really polished but whatever in a week. So it wasn't too horrible considering the time frame.

And now I move on to Camp. I was suppsoed to go to camp on Friday, but I was sick, so I decided to go for one less day. Thank goodness too because from what I've heard they were 2 horus behind schedule and they stayed up till 3 cleaning and fighting off raccoons. Although that does sound like fun...

Anyways, I came on Saturday morning and got filled in with the murder mystery going on. Apprently a couple of people have died already and this murderer named Holiday was loose.

And then we had a hike, which was suppsoed to be to "search for Dr. Wong who was sent to get help after the murders happened." In the game world of course. In reality, we were looking for the obstacle course that was supposed to be there.

It all turned out wonderfully LOVELY because it took us over an hour to find an obstacle course that was less than 10 minutes away.

Our hike also included gettign all scratched up because some smart person decided to go "Oh hey, let's walk through this thorny plants instead of following hte trail!" So in the end we got lost, had fun walking through throny plants. (I had to pick out throns from my jeans afterwards) At least we foudnt he obstacle course in the end. Meh.

We got back, played this truth or dare like game and otehr stuff like that. Then we got called into the "Forbidden Tent"

There we found out all about the murder mystery and got killed. =o= Yeah it was all fine and dandy because now we could rub it in to allt he people alive and go Hah~ I know the plot and you don't... XD

Unfortunately, we also had to sit in that hut for quite a while... An hour and a half to be exact and was bored to death. No one would play Mah Jong cards with me so ya. And we all also got fake blood on us. WE all got it on our wrist and called us the "emo club". We were all just like, Holiday didn't kill us~ We all slit our wrists and died~ 8D However, one body was dragged off and was never found.

We also did this night line thing. Which was when it was all dark and we could barely see and we had to follow this rope around through trees and down a hill and stuff. When we got to the bottom, a severed leg was waiting for us~ 8D It was the leg of the person who "disappeared" from the emo club.

We also did the camp fire where no one sang the songs and did this skit where the line we had to use was "I'm trying to find my memorized." Yes, with the grammar mistake and all. It was all pretty um, retarded but whatever.

It was FREEZING at night. I froze and got more sick~ 8D

Sunday was spent cleaning up, warming up by builidng a fire in the morning, goign to the obstacle course and climbing on top of the monkeys bars etc. etc.

Well, basically that's it. This entry turned out... longer than I thought it would... =o I'll do a picspam of pics from stuff if I get them. *poofs off*
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