Two Hearts..One Beat. Chp. 1

Oct 07, 2008 18:55

Title: Two Hearts.. One Beat
Author: xxcalliefanxx & london_kelly
Rating: R
Pairing: Callie/Erica and Mark/Callie
Disclaimer: All television and copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events are the properties of their respective owners. Just for entertainment only. We wish we owned McSteamy.. but *sigh* We don't. I would like to own Callie.. but oh well ;-)

Chapter 1

Seattle. Seattle, Washington. What a change from California. Was I seriously thinking about doing this? Was I making the right decision? Who knows. Who cares. It's not like I have much of a choice anyways.

Stillness. That's the only thing I sensed as I glanced around my now empty apartment. A small apartment that my father would have never approved of me renting. His daughter deserves more. His


"Callie Torres."

I raised my head towards the voice.

"Are you seriously thinking of doing this? I mean... California has some damn hot men. We could go bar hoppin' tonight. That bartender was checking you out at The Joint. You know you want to hit that all night long."

I couldn't help but smile. Addison Montgomery will be the only thing I'll miss about California. "Addie.. he was gay." I giggled.


"He was. He was actually checking out my hair. He asked what gel I used."

"Oh. He was gay."

As I continued to stare at my best friend, I noticed her eyes glisten as the light hit them. Damn hormones. I tried telling the woman that when she began the new birth control that she would be able to cry at any given moment.

"Shut up Callie. I'm not.."

I held my hands up in my defense. "I didn't say a word."

"Yes.. but you're thinking, which is bad enough."

"I'm not allowed to think?"

"You're not allowed to think about what you are currently thinking about. Think about... things you should think about. That way I won't snap at you for thinking of things you shouldn't be thinking about." She tried to choose her words carefully.

"What in the hell did you just say?"

"Shut up."

I laughed. "You're going to miss me, aren't you?"

"I said shut up, Callie. Leave. Get on the damn plane for Seattle."

"Aww, Addie. Come here. You know I am going to miss you, too." I raised myself off the floor and walked towards my clearly emotional friend. I pulled her closer to me as I wrapped my arms around her petite waist. "Get off those damn pills. You are like a faucet."

"I just want you to be okay."

My throat tightened, but I was determined not to cry. I wouldn't cry. I couldn't. Not after I'd been so good, making it through the whole day so far. "I'll be okay if you stop crying. Geesh, woman. I just sold this apartment and now you're going to flood it."

Addison's laugh turned into a strangled sob. "You'll call me, right? Every day?"

I continued to fight my own tears. "You seriously have to get off those damn pills Addie. I can't deal with your emotional fits you tend to have."

"You are such a bitch. I'm throwing my heart at you right now cause you are about to move a million miles from me and yet you can't even give a rat's ass that I'm hurting because of it."

A smirk formed across my face. "I'm not moving a million miles away. It's more like a couple thousand."

But I knew that was more than enough. Addison and I have never been more than an hour from each other. Even when we were kids. Rich parents tend to make their children become best friends. Lucky for us, Addison and I were are just alike. Completing each other's sentences. You know.. the stuff that best friends tend to do.

"Shut up. You're still a bitch in my book." Addison crossed her arms.

"Would it make you feel any better if we went out tonight and enjoyed our last night together? I'll even buy the drinks." Persuading Addison always works. She can never say no to drinks.

"Fine. But you're still a bitch."


Addison glanced around the bar, and I had to laugh at the look of horror on my best friend's face. "Caddie, this joint is kind of disgusting."

Nonchalantly, I sipped at my sangria, letting the alcohol burn down my throat. "That's what this place is called, Ad."


I couldn't help but laugh. "God, I'm going to miss you."

Addison traced her finger around the edge of her glass. I watched her movements. She was too quiet. Way too quiet for Addison who has alcohol in her system. "I know you have to go."

"Addison... don't..."

"Callie, you never want to discuss this..." She began.

I quickly interrupted her. "Damn right I don't. Now drop it. Seriously." I can't face her after snapping at her. I quickly bring my thrid shot glass to my lips and allow the alcohol to set my throat on fire. Closing my eyes, I drop my glass back on the table as I quickly bring my hand to my chest.

"Callie.." Addison jumped out of her seat and rushed to my side. "Are you.. I mean.. I can call someone."

"Addison. It's acid. The alcohol. It sets my acid reflux off. Chill."

"Oh.. I didn't know.. I thought.."

"Addison, I said to drop it, okay? I don't want our last night together here in California to be about stupid things. Let's smile, laugh, and just have a good time. Please." My eyes met hers. She knew I was begging without actually getting on my knees and making it obvious. She knew I needed this good time. So very badly.

fanfic. callie/hahn callie/mark

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