Two Hearts.. One Beat- Chapter 2

Oct 08, 2008 20:37

Title: Two Hearts.. One Beat
Rating: R
Pairing: Callie/Erica and Mark/Callie
Disclaimer: All television and copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events are the properties of their respective owners. Just for entertainment only. We wish we owned McSteamy.. but sigh We don't. I would like to own Callie.. but oh well ;-)

Chapter 2

"Why are we doing this stuff?" Meredith Grey whined, dramatically blowing a wisp of dirty blond hair out of her eyes.

Izzie Stevens grinned, scribbling her singnature of what had to be the sixtieth chart that hour before handing it over to Cristina. "Because Bailey hates us all."

"Charts are not frisbees," Cristina Yang scolded.

Alex Karev laughed. "We're stuck doing this crap for hours, Yang. Might as well have a little fun."

"That's your line for all the girls, huh?"

Silence filled the atmosphere as Erica Hahn stepped towards the desk. "Seriously now. This isn't a place for you all to speak the sudden gossip surrounding your boring lives. It's a place to save people. It's a place to learn. So stop talking. Understand?"

"Dr. Hahn... may I scrub....." Christina began.

"Shut up, Yang."

"Yes ma'am."

"Dr. Hahn, stop being a bitch to our residents." Mark Sloan flashed his pearly white smile as he placed his arm around Erica's shoulder.

"Dr. Sloan, stop sexually harrassing me before I have your ass arrested."

Sloan smirked. His signature move. Erica rolled her eyes as she pushed his arm off her shoulders. She ran her hand through her blond hair trying to somewhat smooth it out. Sloan knew her buttons. He knew which ones to push to royally tick her off.

"Erica..," he whispered seductively in her ear. "When are you going to let me drag you into the on call room and show you what a real man can do?"

"Sloan, when are you going to realize I don't want your penis? I'm not interested in what you can do with it. So please, take and hint and fu---"

"Excuse me." Chief Webber's stern voice caused everyone to turn around promptly. "I want you all to meet the new resident, who will be taking over in Orthopedics."

Mark was the first to turn around, letting out a low whistle. "I like her."

Callie Torres glanced towards the first promising-looing face, which happened to be Izzie. "He scares me."

Izzie laughed. "Don't worry. He scares everyone."

Cristina frowned, elbowing Alex in the ribs. Alex yelped in surprise. "What the crap, Yang? I never said a word."

"You would have. I just decided to cut you off at the pass."

Alex frowned again. "I have work to do. Catch you guys later," he said. "Nice to meet you!" he called backwards as he exited.

"Same to you." Callie hollered out before she looked back at the crowd that had slowly formed in front of her. "Callie Torres. And.. Mark Sloan, is it? I like you too."

Erica looked back at her chart, obviously not interested in seeing another girl swoon over Sloan.

"Well.. I'll let you all show Callie around. Erica, keep an eye on her for me." Chief Webber stated. Erica held up as her hand as a response to him. As the chief walked off, Callie stepped towards Erica.


"I don't do small talk." Erica snapped.

"You always this rude to people who are trying to get to know you?" Callie crossed her arms as she examined the heart surgeon. Erica slammed her chart closed and turned to face Callie.

"I work here. It's business. Personal talk does not happen here. If you want to know anything medical, then you can ask. Other than that, please refrain from speaking to me."

Callie bit her bottom lip. "Your time of the month?"

Erica eyed her. This new doctor has nerve.

Callie shrugged. "What? It's medical."

"It's really, really not," Erica snapped, walking away. "And I'd appreciate it if you didn't interrupt me while I'm working. Someting you should be doing. Isn't that why we hired you?"

Callie sighed, and when she turned around, Meredith, Izzie, and Cristina were still standing a few feet away from her. "Don't be offended," Izzie said softly. "She's always like that."

"We think she and Bailey were separated at birth," cracked Meredith.

"I'm not offended. I just didn't want our introduction with each other to go that way. I was hoping it would be somewhat decent." Callie admitted plopping down in a chair near the desk.

Yang eyed her suspiciously. "You know Dr.Hahn?"

"Does me saying 'our introduction with each other' sound like I know her? Where I came from introduction was a beginning." Callie responded quickly.

"I'm surprised you two aren't getting along. Both smartasses. Welcome to Seattle Grace. Hope you have a hell of a ride here." Christina walked off as soon as the words left her mouth.

"She's always like that, too." Izzie reached her hand out for Callie's. "Izzie Stevens."

"Nice to meet you." Callie responded politely. She sighed closely her eyes. Figures. The main person she needs to get along with despises her at the moment. Stop being such a bitch Callie and people might like you. Callie ran her hand over her face. She'll just have to try harder. Much harder.

Callie sighed. "I guess I'd better get to work, then. Wouldn't look good to get fired on the first day."

Meredith laughed, glancing pointedly at Izzie. 'You almost did."

"Stevens, you almost get fired every day," Cristina said walking back towards her friends.

But Callie didn't hear a thing. She was already gone, briskly walking down the hall away from them, away from where Erica had spoken so harshly to her - Erica didn't even KNOW her, damn it - and that Mark guy had so clearly been hitting on her.

Callie didn't have a lot of time.

She sighed again, letting the cool breeze wash across her face. Good times to me.

fanfic. callie/hahn callie/mark

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