Two Hearts...One Beat

Oct 06, 2008 21:43

Title: Two Hearts.. One Beat
Author: xxcalliefanxx & london_kelly
Rating: R
Pairing: Callie/Erica and Mark/Callie
Disclaimer: All television and copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events are the properties of their respective owners. Just for entertainment only. We wish we owned McSteamy.. but *sigh* We don't. I would like to own Callie.. but oh well ;-)

Fourteen years later and I still remember my high school prom. I remember the excitement, the nervousness at finding the perfect dress and the perfect shoes and whether the cute guy from the football team would discover that we were meant to be within the next three days.

We weren't, but it didn't matter. Prom taught me to believe in love. And it taught me that love can find you when you're not even looking for it. Love can find you in the strangest of places.

Like in a hospital.

I was a doctor, after all. I didn't have time for romance. What kind of doctor would I be if I spent all my time having sex? People could die, for gosh sakes.

I have a lot of secrets.

Why I came to Seattle Grace was my main one.

It could kill me if anyone ever found out.

Maybe it already had...
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