
Dec 21, 2013 22:29

My beautiful youngest (of 6) grandson. He is an adorable baby, very alert and interested in the world. Bek now has 4 kids Joshua, Emily, Nicholas and David. Jenna has 2- Maddy and Cooper. I don't get to see Jenna's kids as much as I would like, because they live in Melbourne, but fortunately I usually get to see Bek's kids every few weeks. It should be more often than that, but hasn't been lately, so many other things cropping up that stop me from going over to see them. Hopefully that won't last for long, I just have to get myself more organised. The only thing I have on that is really limiting my movements is actually over by about 11am on Tuesday (Meals on Wheels delivery) and Thursday week 1, Friday week 2 is Home help. That still leaves a lot of day. I
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