Dec 21, 2013 22:04
Hmm, yes I have been away for a long time-Facebook can make you forget other good things. I was talking to a friend on FB, and referred her here as she was asking if I write. I've missed LJ so much, I really should get back to checking it regularly, Facebook has not been good for me in that my writing has become less fluent, more abbreviated (why is the name for a shortening thing so damned long). Admittedly I do tend to get carried away sometimes and write long comments on people's entries, even get involved in a conversation on someone's post comments. I do miss the fluency and writing style of a place where there is enough writing to get an idea of someone's style of writing. I think that while FB is good in some ways, it's very much a 'how to write telegrams' writing style. Oh dear, showing my age, probably most of the people who read this are going to wonder what a telegram is. It was basically an SMS sent by people using a business of ringing people up and sending a text based message. I think some of them were actually sent by wire from machine to machine, so kind of more like a fax. They would be rung through to a nearby office and then typed up and delivered in person, they were not a cheap option, and were mainly used for quick dispatch of urgent messages in days where not everyone had a telephone, but also were for decades a routine part of wedding ceremonies usually sent by people who were not able to attend.Someone (maybe Best Man, I'm not sure) would read them out so everyone enjoyed them, and in some circles they could be rather risqué. They were charged by the word or letter, so often a lot of input went into them to make sure they had used the least words possible. Probably the very earliest attempts at text speak, although common acronyms would not evolve until the beginning of the internet.
I found my 'transition journal' the other day when straightening up the bedroom, there are only a few pages left, so I'm going to write a sort of 'summary' or Epilogue.I haven't written in it for about 2 years now, and a lot has happened in that time, not so much transition-wise, but it's sort of the end of a journey. Now I just have my fortightly injection (self administered) and unless something happens that renders a hysterectomy necessary on the public hospital system, the furthest I will go.
I had to have Toby euthanized last week, he was getting older and more sick, and had got to the point where I think he wanted to go. Since then, I've had one episode where the CD player turned on without a touch on either player or remote (I had both hands on the computer laptop typing at the time) which I suspect was him. I've also seen him a few times around the house. Casper has come up to me a bit more than usual, not sure whether he misses Toby or is pleased that he's getting all the attention. Casper isn't really much of a peopNle cat though, so I don't have as much feline company as I had with Toby, especially as he got very clingy recently.
I now have 6 grandkids, and looking forward to the end of January, when Jenna is bringing Maddy and Cooper up for a belated Christmas. Neither of the girls were very well off this Christmas, so the decision to hold off was a good one for both of them I've got all the Christmas presents. I have a new short term project getting toys for the kids in Nauru, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is getting all parcels sent to her office and will get Save the Children to organise delivery. Those poor kids have no toys, no shoes, nothing but despair as they don't have a fixed sentence and the conditions they are living in are worse than any Jail has ever been. I'm going to get some toys, Bek said Big W have good sales on at the moment, and Glenn S said that balls would be a good idea. I'm also going to get some kids size thongs, as they don't have footwear but where they are is hot so thongs would be the best, and not so tricky to get the size absolutely right, as there is more flexibility in thongs. Not total flexibility though, as I have found out recently to my dismay, that the fluid retention is causing my feet to get so big they are not able to be fitted in a pair of thongs, even the most saggy pair are too tight so I have had to go shopping (general store for mail pickup) in purple moccassins. Purple because I had a choice when I bought them at the Ballarat Show of either Green Pink or Purple. I didn't like the shade of green, and pink was out of the question, so I went with Purple (don't think there is a shade of purple I don't like). At home I'm just walking around in bare feet but it's too hot to go out in bare feet, I would get burned up by the sun. Hence my eagerness to get thongs for the kids in Nauru, it's horrible when you don't have a choice of going barefoot because you don't have shoes.
Ah, the relief of writing at length again! I'm definitely coming back to LJ regularly, I have missed not worrying about the length of what I am writing.
Ok, now to post this and find out what my options are in posting these days, there seem to be a lot more settings than there used to be.