Cookie! ^^

Aug 20, 2006 20:25

Rating: R (eventually, NC-17)
Warnings: .. dub-con? (I can see how it might sound that way here, I think.)
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Additional Disclaimer: Additional legalities, etc, blahblahblah, in your respective countries. Ie. Not my fault/problem/whatever.

A/N: Unbeta'd. Just a tiny little teaser, because the drabble I owe pez_gurl (for the Truth/Lies meme) is running away with itself. Harry's getting really into it. ;)

... He shivered under Harry's skillful manipulations, biting back a soft moan as he nodded quickly. 'Because you're mine, Malfoy. I know you want it,' he added, smirking to himself as Draco continued to moan quietly, still trembling for him. 'Look at you, standing there, wanting this so badly, just like any common whore,' he rasped. 'Is that what you want, Malfoy? I could take you right here, right now, against this wall. Right out here in the corridor, where anyone could come along and see you begging for me to give you more, to fuck you harder-'

Heh, there you go. Hopefully the fic will start behaving, and I'll be able to post the whole thing. But until then... *smirks*


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