Title: Memorial
Summary: Saying goodbye is never easy...
Rating: PG
Word Count: 469
Warnings: Character Death, Het (Ron/Hermione)
Disclaimer: Not mine - anything recognizable probably belongs to J.K. Rowling; I just play with them from time to time.
A/N: Unbeta'd. Woot, the first thing I've written in AGES!! Here's hoping it means my muse has finally gotten back to work! ;)
A/N 2: For
hd_angst challenge #22, Memorial.
Harry stood at the foot of the grave, staring bleakly at the headstone. His vision was blurred not only by the freezing rain lashing his glasses, but by the unshed tears sparkling in his once-vibrant green eyes. Behind him, Hermione clung to Ron, crying freely in his arms. She hiccoughed loudly, startling Harry out of his trance. He turned slowly to look at them, his haunted eyes barely taking in the fact that they stood there.
'It shouldn't have been this way,' he said simply, his voice cracking. 'It shouldn't be like this.'
'Harry, mate-' Ron started. He faltered, catching the pained look on Harry's face. 'Mate, it's not-' Acquiescing to Hermione's whispered plea, he nodded and fell silent, helpless before his best friend's unimaginable grief.
The silence grew deafening, but still none of them moved. Slowly, ever so slowly, Harry turned back to the grave, once more hugging himself tightly. As they watched, he swayed and crumpled to his knees.
'Harry!' Hermione screamed, rushing to his side. She wrapped her arms around his shaking shoulders, cradling him to her chest as Ron pulled both of them into a tight embrace.
'It should have been me, it should have been me, it should have been me...' He was chanting between gasps for air, rocking back and forth as they held him. They looked at each other sadly over his bent head, wanting to ease his pain, and yet, as always, not quite knowing how, in the moment.
Finally his sobs quieted, and he stilled, breathing deeply. Hermione bit her lip, wondering what would happen next. He lifted his head slowly, looking at them both through red-rimmed eyes. 'I'm okay,' he said quietly. 'Honest.' Pushing them away gently, he stood, backing away until he stood at the head of the grave. Conjuring a red, thorned rose, he brought it to his lips, murmuring, 'I miss you, Dray. I'll never forget. I love you.' Dropping it at the base of the stone, he gave Ron and Hermione one more small smile, and disapparated.
* * * * *
Ron let out a shaky breath, asking, 'Why do we do this every year?'
'You know how much Harry loved him, Ron. He needs us, especially at times like this,' Hermione said softly.
Running a hand through his drenched hair tiredly, he pulled her close again, holding her tightly. 'Let's go home,' he whispered, stroking her hair.
* * * * *
As the crack of their disapparation faded away, a tall blond figure stepped out from behind a tree a few yards away, and walked slowly towards the grave. Stooping to pick up the rose, he held it to his own lips as Harry had done only moments ago, before moving down the hill and fading into the late evening mist.