RIP 2012

Jan 03, 2013 09:29

According to my MakeAList records, I've saw 111 movies in 2012 and read 10 books including a reread of Gatsby. 'Tis more films, but less books than 2011, but 2011 includes 4 mangas. I did pretty much the same amount of interesting things-- concerts, mini-roadtrips, etc-- which is pathetically few. I don't make resolutions, but hopefully doing more adult stuff this year will up my "Cool Story Bro" list. And not adult adult.

I set out to see 100 movies the past two years that I hadn't seen which wasn't too hard since this was like the only time I actually watched movies, and not to say that all of cinema can be watched in 2 years, but I need to focus on other things; I don't get how people do the 365 challenge. I'll be pleased if I see 50 new movies because I also want to rewatch some of these films I only saw once and totally don't remember, and I wish I could notice things srs bsns film people notice like, "Oh, excellent editing! Superb cinematography! Something about camerawork! Another thing about the script and acting!"

I want to read Gatsby again! Haha, I reread it because I forgot everything, but I highlighted and underlined a bunch of stuff, and while Googling a text or something mentioned in it, I came across a page wondering if Gatsby was black. I haven't read it yet, but now I want to go back and see myself any evidence to support this and wonder about other questions. I don't remember anything specifically about Gatsby's appearance, but there's a part where Tom is like, "Next thing you know, they'll be allowing interracial marriage!" and Jordan's like, "We're all white here..."

Yes, but I've already started The Girl Who Played with Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, A Game of Thrones, Palestine Inside Out, The Dharma Bums, and a Marvel comic book version of Pride and Prejudice. I might skip the comic book, feels bad bro, but I just do not have a connection with them atm, and everything else is kind of a drag. I feel like I'm reading the GWPWF, HP, ASOIAF, Kerouac because I should? Like, they've a lot of acclaim, and it's not that they're bad, so I'm actually enjoying them, they're just not... me which sucks because as little foothold I've garnered with movies I like, it's even smaller for books.

I think with movies, I'm much more willing to accept characters different from myself, but with books since they've been around longer, I expect that there has to be someone like me, and I guess I'm just looking for answers. Couldn't I learn from people not like me? Man, what do I care about people who are not me? Jk jk. Ugh, it's just that one) I think of myself as a non-white male, and I feel like that is who I see 90% of the time in media and stuff, and they're just very tiring, and two) whenever I have to learn from people who aren't me, it's like getting hand-me-downs. Like, I guess this fits, but I'm gonna have to wear it around the house or get my mom to alter it. I'm just very lazy and poor. It is much easier and cheaper to get things that fit.

Also, if I don't know what I like, it's hard to know where to go or what to get next. No Amazon recs. It's a relief. Have you ever just looked at your Facebook likes and just been like, "Ah, yes. This is me. This is who I am." It's great. Not knowing your favorites is like that panic of a new restaurant. Unless we're all just diving into guac here. I really need to dive into bed. Guac bed...

reading, movies

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