Not too bad.

Jan 03, 2013 04:37

Prior to Thanksgiving, I was panicking a bit about the holidays: increased familial beings, me not only figuring out moneys but also shopping for no-interest parentals on behalf of myself and brother, me thinking all my hair is falling out, parentals hint-joking about getting them x-inch tvs, my dad talking shit about me to his brother. Well, not really talking shit, maybe more like conveniently selected facts.

Like, maybe if they hadn't laughed at our want to take karate then a hint-joke about something you can't afford (to give us) but expect us to give them wouldn't seem like the biggest fuck you, but I digress...

For someone who probably spends an unhealthy amount of time in hate bubbles, it's kind of weird that my brother's the one who is like, "Eff 'em." I guess it's because he can pretty much take care of himself already and doesn't live in fear of being kicked out and immediately dying. I am but a simple peacekeeper/avoider of confrontation which takes a lot of effort! that I guess my bro doesn't have... I mean, I take pride in my gift-giving (sorry if I ever gave you a shitty gift), but it gets boring giving my dad polos all the time.

Additionally, I slept through any phone calls my dad made to his brothers, thus missing anything over which to become an ostrich. *Relief*

So yeah, overall, not horrible, but I really hope it's the last one here. I also hope you guys didn't, like, lose a hand or something because one) that would be terrible and two) you'd hate me. I just thought I should write since no one else was, and I thought the second reason was already in effect, but it turns out it wasn't, but I still think it kind of is...
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