The end is near...

Apr 10, 2009 00:35

I had a final yesterday for Professional Ethics and Law. I thought it was hard.

Today, I turned in a 15 page paper for Techniques of Counseling and Psychotherapy, my last paper of the semester.

Saturday night my mom and I are driving up to Ventura. We're spending the night and then going to Easter Brunch at the Ventura Yacht Club with my family. After brunch we're driving home so that I can study.

Monday, I have a final for Marriage and Family Therapy I. Can't wait until that's over.

Thursday is our last class of Techniques. We'll also be getting our papers back that day. This also marks the end of Spring 2009 semester.

Saturday, Alex and I leave for Yosemite for 4 nights. I hope I have fun and that I'm not in too much Lupus pain. Oy.

May 4th, summer session 1 starts. Schedule:

MW 4:10-7:00 Marriage and Family Therapy II
MW 7:15-10:05 Individual and Family Development: A Life Cycle Approach

Session 2 starts June 22nd:

MW 7:15-10:05 Clinical Management of Psychopathology

I sent my resume to 3 agencies today. I need to find a site for my practicum by August, but agencies are taking applications NOW. I can't believe that starting in August/September I'm going to have clients.
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