Ups and Downs

Apr 03, 2009 08:09

I should be getting ready for work right now but I have a horrible headache (as usual) and it makes it hard for me to do anything. I'm starting to get a little worried too because if these headaches keep persisting I don't know how I can possibly finish my last paper before the due date. I'm not sure how long I'll last today at work, but I need to at least make an appearance.

I got some great lab results back yesterday. My kidneys are improving, which means my meds are working! The protein levels in my urine have decreased by half, which is amazing. It also means that I can taper off the steroids more. I'm decreasing by 10mg as of today. I hope my body can handle the tapering because I can't wait to get off the steroids.

I got some bad news too... my Paypal account was hacked and the hacker transfered money out of my bank account. It's under investigation. Once I get that money back I think I might just close my Paypal account. I don't need any other stresses in my life, heh.
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