An update

Mar 02, 2018 16:53

I used to always start or end my posts mentioning how I hadn't updated LJ in ages, but now that it really has been a long time (7 years) it feels kinda cheap to write that, so I won't. I used to do that in all my handwritten journals too, and I bet my mum has a whole tote in the attic full of Lisa Frank notebooks in which I only ever wrote one or two pages lamenting about my failure to keep a regular journal.

I had a dream the other night that I was walking down Golfside, near my apartment but closer to the rather dodgy area by the empty At Home (formerly K-mart) parking lot. When I was in school still, I used to cut through that parking lot all the time to catch the 4B bus on Washtenaw to campus. I was just one of many bus-riders who cut through the parking lot. That it was so wide and empty was useful; you could flag the bus down easily if they started to pull away, and you didn't have to worry about getting run over by cars the way you do in parking lots that have cars in them. But the wind would whip through that parking lot on a cold day and cut through all your layers, you just had to go through it as fast as possible. It wasn't too cold or too hot in my dream, fortunately.

The strange thing was that everyone: men, women, children, etc., had the same haircut as me. And I thought, "Huh, that's kinda strange that they have the haircut too. Well okay then." And then just continued on with what I was doing.

I've disliked my haircut since I got it two weeks ago, because unless I put a lot of effort into styling it, it's a mom-bob. When I told Kyle about my dream he just laughed with me and said, "You must really hate that haircut." And I do.


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