Chiefly British

Oct 13, 2011 07:04

I haven't used LJ forever!

And I have a brief rant so well-fit for a livejournal post!

I realise that because I am used to spelling certain words differently from other Americans (or, to explain it more accurately, because I spell words the proper way), I will occasionally have to be in defence of my colourful spellings. But I take considerable offence to an action by my physics professor to circle "utilise" on my lab report.

Dear professor, you may be well-schooled in physics, but as for English, I probably know more than you. I have a 3.9 GPA and I am a multiple-language major who is employed by the same entity as yourself to work an English tutor! Also, why did you not circle "metre?" For if you insist that I add "centimetre" and "metre" on every single unit in my report, I find it rather hypocritical that your grading of my grammar is inconsistent. You are, after all, supposed to grade my grammar in this physics course, aren't you? Next time, please consult a dictionary before you decide to take points off for "professionalism" because you think I improperly utilised a word. It's right there under "CHIEFLY BRITISH."
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