Prom Planners (chapter 3)

Mar 09, 2008 22:53

Title: Prom Planners (Chapter 3)
Authors: citricpepperand xpaddiex xpaddiex
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, Mikey/OFC, Bob/OFC, Ray/OFC, Everyone/OMC
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Genre: Comedy (we try)/Romance/AU
POV: Third
Summary: High school has always been heaven to five outcasts that are very proud of being badasses, thank you very much. But when the principal gets fed up and plans an evil revenge against them, they'll have to use all their abilities to survive the punishment they received.
Disclaimer: We really wish they were ours, but they are not, so none of this is real and we don't profit out of it. The Devil takes plot thieves down with Him.
Author’s notes: English is not the first language of neither of us.
Beta: obviouslytomark obviouslytomark
Warnings: Extremely gay character, swearing, graphic sexual situations, boozing/drug usage, slight self-depreciation, fluff, slight homophobia, slight violence, bad jokes, teenagers, whorish preppy girls, prom
Dedications: The whole mcrf crew

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

The rain falling heavily against the windows helped to make the silence of the room a little more interesting. Even though that morning the sun was shinning like they were in the middle of July, suddenly the sky dyed a very dark shade of grey and the birds stopped singing just to let the thunder be heard.

Typical weather for detentions.

Six kids were sitting in their desks, the rest of the seats totally emtpy. Five of them were chatting and making jokes constantly, without even taking heed of the warnings the man in front of the class, aka the supervisor, was giving to them. The other boy was sitting in one of the seats in the front, with an ice pack covering one of his eyes.

“How was the English exam?” asked Gerard, remembering Frank and Ray had to take it because they were ‘sick’ on the actual date.
“Horrible, as any other” the one with a mohawk said, with an unconcerned look on his face “But I think I passed; It wasn’t that difficult, right, Ray?”
“Of course it wasn’t that difficult. I mean, which exam is difficult If you have the answers on a paper under your desk?”
“Absolutely right!” agreed the other boy, with his right fist up in the air.
“You cheated on the exam?” The supervisor was looking at them like he couldn’t believe it. Frank faked a hurt gesture on his face.
“We?, cheat on an exam?, how dare you!?”
“We’ll see about that...” said the man, turning to the window to look outside “oh, and by the way, you’re supposed to be silent. All of you”
“Sure, man, sorry”
“Hey, for the next sound check, we definately need to try the two new songs” said Gerard, with a folder full of drawings, lyrics, poems and those kind of things.
“Yeah!, I think I have some notes and chords that could go great with what we already have. I’ve been pretty inspired lately...”
“Why’s that, Frank?, a girl, maybe?” joked Ray
“Hell yeah, your mom!, she’s so hot” he laughed, but then noticed the effect of his joke and took it back “just kidding... It’s Gee, he’s my muse” Frank looked at Gerard, faking a girly smile while brushing his hand against his friend’s.
“Awww, thanks love!” the other boy blew him a kiss.
“Stop it, you two!” Mikey whimpered, not looking at them
“Yeah, guys, you’re traumatizing him!” deffended Ray.

That scene had turned almost into a ritual; there was not even a day of their lives that those two wouldn’t play like that. Even though everybody knew that they were best friends, since that was a pretty common behaviour between them, it would be no big surprise at all if they decided to take that friendship to another level. At least, that was what Ray and Bob thought. Mikey, on the other hand, was a totally different story, specially because it was his big brother who they were talking about.

“For the 10th time, shut up!” Tim stated, trying to put things in order.
“How much more time are we supposed to stay here anyway?” asked Bob to the supervisor, who was now looking out the window. Even though they didn’t do anything, he and Mikey were also there, taking their ‘punishment’. That’s what somebody would call ‘being in the wrong place at the wrong time’. Tim checked on his watch.

“30 minutes left, Bryar” he answered, not even looking at the boy.
“Why are Bob and my brother here?” Gerard was playing with a little clip, chipping the paint of the old desk.
“That’s none of your business” the supervisor answered, finally sitting on the chair behind the teacher’s desk “and keep silent”.
“Well, it is my business at least” said Bob, folding his arms and leaning on the back of his seat.
“I believe I said keep silent. This is detention, not a beauty saloon” The guy stood up and walked towards Frank, who’d taken out of his backpack a little bottle of black nail polish and was about to use it on his own.
“Oh, c’mon, man!” he reacted “we’re not doing anything here!, at least let us talk”
“You’re doing it already, even though I’m telling you not to. It’s the same, don’t you think?” Tim said, putting the bottle in his pocket. “Besides, there’s a lot of fun things to do”
“Like what?” asked Ray, with his legs crossed on his desk, looking at him “Count the fungus stains on the celling?”
“If that cheers you up, Toro...” the guy said, ignoring him.
“Man, you need a girlfriend. Seriously” the older Way looked at him, pretty tired of the whole situation.
“Totally. A pretty one, with a big ass, so you can fuck her every night. That would help with your every-day mood so much, you know?” joined Frank
“Shut up. Or you’ll be cleaning the grime up yourself in a matter of seconds”
“Have you ever had a girlfriend, Tim?” Ray asked, noticing that things were about to get interesting. Attacking that guy, putting their noses in his personal life, was always the best.
“I bet you’re gay, aren’t you?”
“Totally, he must hook up with Charlie, the primary school supervisor in the gym showers every morning”
“What’s going on, here?”

Everybody looked to the door, to see none other than the Principal standing there, perfetcly clean suite and some papers in his hands.

“N-nothing, Mr. Roberts, just these kids again” managed to say Tim.
“Oh, what a coincidence... I just wanted to talk to them. Why’s Williams here?” he walked into the room, looking to Pete, who was trying to keep silent just to avoid any kind of confrontation between he and the other boys.
“He’s also in detention for fighting and cursing during the break with Toro and Iero” informed the supervisor.
“That wasn’t a fight, ‘cause the only injured one appears to be him. It looks like someone punched him” the principal looked closer at the wound of Pete’s eye “get your stuff, kid, you can leave”.

Pete didn’t need to be told twice; he put on his backpack and got out of the classroom before anyone could complain.

“He insulted Gerard and tried to hit me!”
“First, I didn’t gave you permission to talk, Iero, and second, don’t you think that Mr. Way can defend himself?”
“Don’t worry, Frank, he’s right. Since he didn’t hit you, he’s innocent. But, if you had a swollen eye just like him, that would’ve been even” said Gerard, patting his friend’s shoulder.
“I didn’t say that Way, and you know that” Mr. Roberts looked at the boy.
“Excusez moi, monsieur” he answered in a cocky way, trying to sound polite, but faking miserably.
“So, I’ll get straight to the point” the Principal made himself clear, taking a seat on the teacher’s desk where Tim had been sitting minutes ago. “It’s almost been 758 times now that you’ve been sent to serve detention. While trying to find a way to stop your criminal activities against the peace and order of this school, something came to mind: the homecoming prom”
“.... THE WHAT?!” asked the five of them at the same time.
“The prom, kids!!, the party!!” said the man in a clear voice, making sure everybody understood what he was talking about, “Because of your deliquent behaviour I just decided that you’ll work on the organization of this year’s prom with some other people from the responsible crew after class, 3 days a week. You’ll be in charge of the main show. You gotta keep in mind that this is a job and you need to collaborate with us in order to make it really good, and you cannot just skip it. If I’m told that you’re doing that, then you’re out of this school. Is it clear?”
“I don’t get it” Bob looked confused “If you want us to stop doing shit, why are you giving us this chance to do more?”
“First of all, because it’s the same if you’re in detention or not, you just keep doing things to get everyone’s attention. Second, because there you won’t be able to screw it up, actually, ‘cause the people from the crew won’t allow that. And third, because I couldn’t think of anything else.” Said the man, standing up and giving them some papers “Now, here’re your new schedules; If you have any question, refer to Mrs. Watkins, the president of the Prom Planner’s club”.
“So, there’s a club based on that...”
“Yes, Mr. Toro. So, keep those papers safe, don’t lose them. You may leave now”.

The boys, totally amused, for the first time in their lives, did what they were told.

“Are you sure about this, Principal?” asked Tim, who couldn’t believe what the man had just said “that’s the perfect chance for them to stand out and ruin this year’s prom”
“I’m absolutely sure. They won’t do anything else from now on. Their years as school criminals are over. Trust me”

frerard, prom planners, fanfic

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