prom planners (chapter 2)

Mar 04, 2008 01:22

Title: Prom Planners (Chapter 2)
Authors: citricpepper and xpaddiex
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, Mikey/OFC, Bob/OFC, Ray/OFC, Everyone/OMC
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Genre: Comedy (we try)/Romance/AU
POV: Third
Summary: High school has always been heaven to five outcasts that are very proud of being badasses, thank you very much. But when the principal gets fed up and plans an evil revenge against them, they'll have to use all their abilities to survive the punishment they received.

Disclaimer: We really wish they were ours, but they are not, so none of this is real and we don't profit out of it. The Devil takes plot thieves down with Him.
Authors' notes: English is not the first language of neither of us.
Beta: obviouslytomark
Warnings: Extremely gay character, swearing, graphic sexual situations, boozing/drug usage, slight self-depreciation, fluff, slight homophobia, slight violence, bad jokes, teenagers, whorish preppy girls, prom
Dedications: The whole mcrf crew

Chapter 1

Chapter 2


“FERMEZ TA BOUCHE, FRANK!” Gerard yelled almost throwing his burning Marlboro on his friend. The mentioned one stopped dead on his tracks, blinking blankly at the older boy.
“Huh?” He asked confused. He should be used to Gerard’s French assaults by now,- since they happened everyday since they had been friends, but Frank refused to give in to his friend’s cockiness, simply because he was not even French. Gerard would use it all the time just to show off, because he could, and mostly to get people around him angry.
“It’s French.” Mikey’s bored tone answered from under the three. “Means shut up. And I must say I agree, Frank. This song is rather annoying.”
“Frank’s jealous.” Bob stated looking at the sky.
“I’m sorry, I’m what?”
“Jealous.” The blonde shrugged. “You wish you were singing this song about you and Gerard, not Samantha.”
“If that’s true, he has nothing to worry about.” Gerard said, not even lifting his gaze from his current drowning. “If I had to chose, he’d so be my option.” At this Frank blushed furiously, looking away from the boys.

The fantastic five were at their favorite spot on the school backyard; sitting in the Flamboyant they called “Jeff”. At least most of them were, since Mikey was under the tree, using the lack of heat/ sunlight to work on all of their homework as Frankie swung back and forth on a branch. Even though Mikey was a year ahead in school; he was the one always taking care of all their school work. It was really hard to understand why those kids were friends; every one had their own personality that could tell one from another, but at the same time, they had lots of things in common, specially that "outcast" label they apparently had on their foreheads. They knew exactly what it felt like to be rejected by everyone; to be the clowns of the class or simply be ignored. That could be the reason why they got close to each other to the point that they almost lived in each other’s houses or even formed a band.

“IERO! TORO!” they heard the voice of the ever annoying supervisor, Tim, calling out to them. “Oh, here you are! You are gonna take the replacement English exam now, follow me. And… What’s that, Way?” Gerard quickly put his cigarette out, tossing it discreetly behind him.
“It’s homework sir, why?” Mikey answered batting his eyelashes, his tone of voice extremely sweet and innocent. Tim growled.
“Not you, damnit, the other Way.”
“Excusez moi, monsieur, I don’t think there is any need to curse.” Gerard said elegantly, rearranging his Scottish scarf and looking up to the man.
“You’ll be cursing in a few minutes, if you were doing what I think you were doing. Come down here.” Gerard rolled his eyes, putting his artwork away and jumping off Jeff. “Now come here.” With an absolute disgusted look on his face, he approached Tim, who told him to open his mouth so he could smell it. “Aha! Smoking inside school again, huh Way? Detention after classes today.” He stated, unable to hide his excitement in punishing Gerard.
“Oui, monsieur.” He nodded. “But you know, if you needed to be close to my mouth this badly, you could have said it from the beginning, it would have been way more polite.” He grinned, watching satisfied as a vein throbbed on Tim’s forehead. He blew the man a kiss and walked off towards the building.
“But we have a--”
“HEY, FAG!” One of the water-polo team brainless members shouted out to Gerard. “YOU SHOULD BE CAREFUL, ONE OF THESE DAYS THAT TREE WILL BREAK APART BECAUSE OF YOUR FAT ASS!” At this Frank’s fists closed, and he walked towards the guy.
“You should know all about that right Peter, since your mom’s ass is so huge she breaks her bed in half every fucking week” Peter’s face went white at the public humiliation.
“Fuck you, shortie! Who are you to talk about my mother?”
“I am...” Frank started, his full lips curling into a grin. “A mother-fucker.” And with this he winked at Peter.
“YOU FUCKING PRICK! I’M SO GONNA PUNCH YOU EYES RIGHT INTO YOUR FUCKING SKULL!!” Peter replied, raising a fist to hit Frank, but swinging back in pain as Ray’s fist was quicker, punching him right on the right eye.
“IERO, LANGUAGE! TORO, FOR CHRIST SAKE, DON’T HIT YOUR ACQUAINTANCES!” Tim shouted. “You know what? I have a better idea. Detention for all of you.”

frerard, prom planners, fanfic

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