May 01, 2006 09:07

this weekend sucked.
while last weekend was delicious solitude of which i took willingly,
this weekend was more like a forced solitude given the fact that i was just simply too fucking irritated, upset, angry, unhappy, & you know what, im not the only one, it seems like just about everyone i know has something to be upset about.

miserable miserable miserable.

& all i really wanted this weekend was breakfast. but im not one for breakfast alone. i made a complete circuit around virginia beach, independence to the blvd to laskin to pacific over the bridge, down to sandbridge, got lost a few times but popped out on country roads i just happen to know, so indicisive that i returned home without getting out of the car once. i fully intended on busying myself. the bookstore... or maybe just go walk around target... maybe stop by the beach or a park or something... nope.


i want to go back to cape charles. i wish my mom & dad would just let me stow away with them all the time.

in other news, i found out my parents are in negotiations to buy a bar in downtown portsmouth. its called paddy o'briens. blahblahblah. its an ok place i guess, i hate the name... i applied for a serving job there around when they first opened & they didnt hire me...
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