Jun 07, 2006 10:31
i was hoping that something at least... cool would happen on 6-6-6. nah, figures. just like y2k, ALL THE FUSS FOR NOTHING!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNN!
shit's sucked lately.
"shit" being namely my life.
im broke all the time, which i dont exactly understand.
david has horrible spending habits, and it causes us to get into fights. he thinks he has no problem with his spending. i beg to differ... god, i dont know how that boy would get along without me on his ass all the time.
& its driving me insane.
he has also taken to beating me in his sleep.
ok so maybe not beating me, but somehow, i have gotten NO sleep in like the past week, because i keep getting battered by elbows and fists and knees. he's become a violent sleeper. & im a light sleeper to begin with. so an elbow to the nose definately wakes me up. then i yell at him because he's done it like 20gagillion times already. & in his sleep he pouts and acts like he's all innocent. fuckin shit man.
im lucky i dont have a black eye or didnt get a bloody nose.
what else.
oh, this sucks. davids 'rents were ever so nice to get us both season tickets to Busch Gardens. WELL, thats awesome, right? well yeah, but see gas is like $2.95 a gallon and its a long drive to williamsburg, & oh yeah, we're broke... so we're trying to figure out when we can actually use these things. i figure we can bring all the shit we'd want... fooooooood... boooooooooze (& COOKIES)... other stuffffff... then it wont be so expensive. but see, i just know what will happen. somehow i'll end up still spending a million dollars on SHIT (i just CANNOT say no to that beautiful face with those blue eyes... damnit david bittner).
i dont know when i became so frugal, i HATE it.
i just... i cant do cheap. so i dont do anything. i dont like cheap clothes, i dont like cheap furniture, i dont like cheap nicknacks, i dont like cheap makeup, i dont like cheap haircuts... so im just left a slob in my nightmare of cheapness.
my mom & pops always got nice things. when we couldnt afford something, we would wait until we had the money for it to get it. thats i guess where it comes from. i mean, its so fucking true, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR, so if you buy something thats cheap and cheaply made, you are getting crap. me, i just wait for the sales. thats my method.
im scared that i will never have a day in my life where im not worried about money.
i hate money.
i hate the fucking control it has over life.
i want to go camping.