Dec 11, 2004 16:18
OMG! last night was so much fun! marielle, marisa, christina and me went to the movies to see oceans 12. wow what an amazing movie! Brad Pitt looks so hott! the first scene when he comes in all sweaty! well, before the movie started we got food of course and some girl name marelle or something like that was like hey we are having like a nacho competition of who sells the most nachos would you like some and we are like yeah we will have one. so we got nachos. and marielle looks at this kid David. major hottie that works at muvico. Marielle couldnt stop talking about him so im like okay lets go flirt with him. so we do. wow...he is hott.and then marielle we leave right. and we go back in to the movie (it hasnt started yet tho) and then marielle is like wait i wanna find out if he has a girlfriend and stuff and i was like ill do it for you so i go and he doesnt have a girlfriend. and then i go back and im like hey i have an idea why dont you buy something with ur credit card and sign ur phone number and shes like no im scared im too shy to do that. and im like ok and shes like but i want to and im like if u want ill buy something and ill sign ur number and shes like ok. so i did. it was so funny so now we are waiting for a phone call. what losers. anyway when we all come back into the movie for the last time marisa is like jeez guys i ate everything i looked like such a pig bc these people were walking by and staring at me bc i had everyones food and i was eating it marisa. then we find out who someone has a crush on... (maybe at least)we arent sure. then we watch the movie and there were these little kids totally interrupting our moment with brad pitt so marielle is like shh...and the kids dont shut up so marielle screams shut up. so that doesnt work i go and im like leaning over and i tap the girl and i guess she didnt feel me but she shut the hell up and let us glare at BRAD PITT in peace so i didnt mind. So marielle went to pee like 5 million times lol. well it was all so much fun and me and marielle were so hyper...and then we went out and climbed the little things between muvico idk how to explain it but it was so much fun. today all i did was study, watch a movie, study, chat, and study. i think that is the most studying i have ever done!!! and tomorrow there will be more studying. and tomorrow is jingle ball! i am so excited! so monday i will look like shit since i will wake up late and not even care and i will be so tired since i will be home so late. well im tired now so i am going to sleep and i think im getting sick which really sucks...but i think i am getting better, which is good. but i dont wanna be sick i hate it but o well...