I HaTe ThIS WeaThEr!!

Oct 15, 2004 23:29


okay wow i really hate this fucking weather.. make it either be summer or winter.. none of this rainy shitttt.. i cant take it. anyway ...tonight was fun. i went to steves house.. (( across the street )) and matt paventa was there and we ordered pizza and just chillaxed cuz we havent done that in a while actually. then i went out to eat lol. with sar and smo . that was alot of fun like always and then we went back to sars house. we were lookin at halloween costumes and if all goes well then ill be snow white, sarah will be red riding hood, and smo will be goldilocks. the costumes we found look adorable. either we'll be that or like referees cuz we found cute costumes that are like skirts.. the only thing is.. on the shirt theres a badge type thing that says " i love foul play" hahahaha so we're tryin to think of ways to cover that part up cuz thats just not us lol.

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lets seee.. oh yeah the thing that happened the other day. okay well.. in school someone said something to me in class. and well.. it was about something they told to danny. and the thing was.. it was a total lie. so i had to straighten it out.. and so after school i had to finally tell danny the truth and it was really hard for me but he was beeing really great about it. like he handled it the best out of any guy i ever told deff. so that helped soo muchh.. but it just really sucked that i had to tell him because of that one person opening their mouth to him .. : \.

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awww speaking of danny. my baby is gettin sick.. :C.. and its basicly my fault cuz i was sick a couple weeks ago when we started chillin.. and he got it.. and i got better but he didnt and now hes justt gettin worse. and we found out that rachel (( the capt. of the cheering squad )) now has mono. so if i had it in my system and gave it to him.. omg id feel sooo bad! and today after school he had practice .. and it started pouring .. so now hes prolly feeling worse.. awww :C..

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aright im gunna go.. im sooo tired. but yeah tomorrow im going to go with smo to get her hair highlighted and sar and sami are goin too. and then i think we're all going with smo to get her belly button peirced. so yeahhh. and then i get to hang out with dannnyyy C: C: C: . lol. okayy im gunna go . nighty night ya'll!

[[ So HeRe i Am.. its In My hAnDs.. and ill SavOr eveRy mOment oF thIs ]] <3 My DannY BaByyy

<333 PaulEeny

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