>> CouLdnT be HaPPieR!

Oct 15, 2004 00:52

hello everyone..
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lets see here. my birthday was sooo much fun!!.. the only thing that was missing was my dear friend lynz. she had a dance thing to go to so she wasnt there :(. but other then that it was perfect. i had my two old best friends there (( becky and michelle )) and i had my best friends there (( sami and sarah )). yeah we went to the cheesecake factory which is always a fun thing to do. and the ppl sang to me C: lol. i never had that before. well for real. i always did it at ruby tuesdays with sarah and smo to get free ice cream but u know what i mean. so thanks guys for the AWESOME birthday!!

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oh yeah! and sunday was soo much fun. i went to dannys. and he gave me a birthday present C: which was the perfume, ROmanCe <3 by Ralph Lauren. omg i LOVE the smell. its soo perfect cuz its my favoriteee perfume and i deff ran out like 3 weeks ago. and his family got me a gift card to american eagle. i love them their so cute lol. oh yeah and i met his grandparents from the other side and his uncle. awww and they were having a family party because jordan greenbergs moms birthday was before mine and their good friends so they threw her a party, but when it was cake time.. they announced that there were two bdays and they sang to me too and let me blow out a candle! isnt that awesome? i was so hapy lol. it was so cute. i didnt even get to do that with my own family. umm lets see, but yeah me and danny hung out that whole day it was alot of fun C:. i love hanging out with him. lol and we were playing with his lil brother jakey at night cuz jakey wanted to have a sleepover with danny and sleep in his room lol. isnt that too cute?! lol. but yeahh.. anyway.

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today was an okay day. i was kinda paranoid tho cuz danny just seemed like he was having a bad day. and that freaked me out.. cuz with matt, everytime he had a bad day.. i would think that it was my fault and he would end things soon and i was ALWAYS right. so yeah but he was just having a bad day cuz he found out that he had to go play a game after school in like jersey city. which by the way, he did an awesome job and the team KILLED them! C:. but yeah after his game he met me at the feild hockey game and we chilled for a lil bit. and it was cool cuz my bro was there and they got along really well. danny was a lil quiet tho cuz he wasnt feeling good but he likes my bro, he says hes funny so im happy. in cheering i was in a bad mood cuz i wasnt exactly sticking my stunts at all and when i get frustrated, it just ruins everything. so to vent out, me and sarah went running after like usual but this time i felt like doing a mile non stop. weird eh? lol. it really helped too. and i was so happy cuz after wards i wasnt even that tired. or winded. not baddd.

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lets see here. tomorrow danny has a party to attend of one of his best friends so i wont be seeing him. but on saturday we're hanging out so im happy. but now i have to make plans for tomorrow night. hmmm..

ohh yeahh and something happened on tuesday that ill talk about tomorrow. i dont feel like getting bummed out right now . but yeah ill deff talk about it tomorrow. i gotta go to sleep mannn.. nighty night everyone!!

HappinEss wiLL CoMe,
when you are with the one;who can
take you to places u never were..
BuT ALwaYs KnEw <3<3
- - DanieL JamEs MeehaN <3 - -

<3333 PauLeeny
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