Oct 30, 2004 13:35

heyy.. sorry i havent really been updating as much as i said i would.. again lol. ive justt been sooo busy. okay lets see here, what the hell has happened lately. NOthing really at all except that ive just been super busy. cheering is going good.. competition is coming up. we're going to the farliegh dickinson university one and the montville one. the only thing is rachel is still outta cheering (( shes the capt and flyer )) so we havent been able to really practice cuz of her having mono. but when she comes back on like nov 7th or something its going to be hell everyday after school lol

- - so we're having a powder puff football game. its junior girls vs. senior girls. its going to be insane!.. we all get jerseys with numbers and our last names on them. my number is 24 (( danny wanted me to take his football number )). and umm.. oh yeah its going to be under the lights at heamsted feild on nov.17 and its gunna be brutal. i mean, yeah sure its flag football, but do u really think its going to stay like that the whole game?! first of all, theres major history with my friends getting in fights with some senior girls. hence the nickname we got last year as the *sophomore mafia* lol. soo we figure some of us can use that anger on the game. JUNIORS ALL THE WAYY!! woooo!!

- - lets see, danny news. last night was our one month anniversery! wooo hoo!. it was goood, i had a game, but he went to it and then we went to his house afterwards and just chilled. hes so great.. things are still better then ever with us C: C: C: . but this is the part when i start getting paranoid becus of my dreaded 2 month curse. ohh mannn.. (( my curse is that i never ever got past two months with a guy. the last time i tried, we ended up breaking up ON the two month anniversery )). so yeahhh. but im not really worried about it, just taking it easy, day by day with danny.

- - last night , the football game was crazyyy! lets see, we played new providence and theyre an undefeated team until last night lol. but we are undefeated team too. And theyre a crazy team thats like insanely good so all week everyones predictions were that we'd lose. so this is what happened. in the first half, it was 28-0, new providence was winning. then 3rd quarter came and it was STILL the same, they were still winning. then , OUT OF NOWHERE, 12 minutes left on the clock we started getting posession of the ball. then we started making crazy touchdowns. next thing i know, the WHOLE CROWD was going WILD and it was 28-28 on the scoreboard. with only a couple minutes left on the board, we scored a touchdown and we won 36-28. omg the whole crowd was going crazy, me and all the cheerleaders were jumping like crazy, the ppl in the stands were chanting soooo loud and they were stomping soo hard that the stands looked like it was gunna break. then when we won, allthe cheerleaders and like half the ppl in the stands ran out on the field and went insane. it was the craziest, most intense game in like butler highschool history. and i cheered for it. lol.

- - after dannys house i went to britts and we had a sleepover. it was me, britt, lynz, jessie t, ashley, and stacy s. it was good times. as usual. and tonight is goosy night. i think we're going to applebees for dinner and then going goosying with ash's van. we dont know yet tho. but yeahh i gotta go clean my room. ill keep u guys updated. byee byee

p.S. Happy BirThday NiCk!! C: HopE u had a good one !!

* im living for the only thing i know,
im running and not quite sure where to go,
and i dont know what im diving into,
>> j u s t. h a n g i n g . b y . a . m o m e n t. h e r e . w i t h . y o u <<
<3<3 i . h e a r t . D a n i E L . J a m e S . M e E h a N . <3<3

<3<3<3 PauLeeny!!
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