Sep 11, 2006 19:57
honestly why do i stress myself out so much/ so easily. i hate it. i always have so much shit on my mind and that is the reason why i'm sucha bitch most of the time. i hate being a bitch all the time because then people start not to like me. most of all i kinda hate myself which i know is a really bad thing, but i hate how i'm a bitch, i hate how i stress really easily,take things too far, and i always have my guard up. i'm sick of everyones bullshit, everyone talking shit and trying to control lives. it pisses me off to the max, its their life so let them live it how the hell they want because you live your own and thats all you should have to worry about, your own god damn life. i dont know. i had tons more to say, but i forgot. must've not been that important huh?
peace the fuck out.