Aug 01, 2005 16:30
S0 iTs bEen a c0upLE daYs siNCe iVe UpdaTed THis Gay ThiNG...
... BuT FoR thE heCK oF it -- HeRE i G0.
-ThEre IS the UsuaL stUff, HuNG wiTH racH anD daVid --ThAts NoTHIng New.
-AnD thEN theRe wAs a coUplE timEs i StoPed at thE maLL
-WenT tuBeiNG dOwn thE riVEr wiTH racHel, daWn, Joe, JEff, Nate, and GaBE anD rachEls paRents.. tHat Was FUn bEsidEs The FacT that THe fiSh weRe sWimIN bELow ME? :-\ buT theN afTEr the RiVEr TriP we WEnt to A cottagE and ate, then fished.. I CAUGHT A FISH.. anD even toUcHEd the WoRM! :D diDnt takE the fiSH oFF thO.. thatS a LiL to0 mUch Fer mE
AnD thaTS abOUt iT.. TOniGHt i HaVE x`rAys For mY back, Its BEeN a YEar .. i GUess they ThiNK im GUnna gROw? haHa yEA.. cePt i thiNK i havEnt cept 7th grade so i prolly wont this year either? aLsO My PoPPa BEar IS cominG to See ME!? ItS beeN pROLLy 2 moNths sINce the Last tIME i seeN em! kinDa exciTed i SOpoSe?
Eh And I sopOsE thatS iT f0R thE upDatE... RemINDeR LaguNa BeacH tonIGht aT 10:o0 AnD tomORroW is thE reaL WoRld WE`vE aLL beeN waiTIN foR.. to finD ouT why BraD is CryIN? :-\
- - - 26 dAyS unTIl THe JEssICa ConceRt