Aug 08, 2005 21:31
* sO f0R tHE l0nG anD waiTed UpdaTe ... HeRe We G0 *
---> S0 THeRes The USuaL.. HAnGin OUT wiTH raCh.. aND haNgin OUt With DavID, WoRkiNG evERy Now And Then, CheErleaDIN, anD eh ThatS pReTTY mUCH iT.
sAtURday Me anD racH weNT to Gh to Watch THe fiRew0Rks ON my BoaT... MEt uP wiTH hiLLArY and shE enDed uP watcHIn em on THe BOat T00.. It was Kinda C0ol.. i haDnT seE mY pOps in a WhiLE so That Was NICe. The Fire WOrKS weRe 0ok.. bUT id HAfta Say i Was MOre amUsed by the BuRNin HILL :D .. lEts SeE.. AfteR they Were DonE we Sat aROunD trYIn to avOId the MILLIONS oF pEOPLe thEre. bUt ovEraLL it Was PRetTY fUN!
sUNday i hAd the UsuAL faMIly beacH gatHEring! thAT was Fun i SOpoSE. ThEN lAter i huNG out With davId<3 - hE toOK me TO sEe JEssicA in THe duKEs of HAzzArds... Ah I LoVE hEr! :D cEpt fEr the facT shE is kinDA skankY in thaT MovIE.. buT oHWell.. afTEr the MOviE we Hung ouT at His House FeR a WHile And then I camE home and sLEpt. <3<3
*--UpcOMinG eVeNTs
|*| JeSSica SImPSon ConCeRt (auGuST 25)
|*| Me AnD daVids 6 moNthS (auGusT 15)
|*| mY wiSdOM teetH taKEn Out (auGusT 16)
|*| FiRst F0oTbALL gaME (auguSt 26)
bUt iM gUNNa Go s0 thats abouT it fEr the UpdaTE.. iM bOUT to GO waTCh lAgunA bEach <3 anD i canT waiT to waTCh the ReaL WoRld tomOrrOw niGht.. P0or DanNY! :(
muCh lOVe