Jul 24, 2005 20:33
- - -* FridAy i haD tO w0rk.. bLaH. But befORe wORk i WenT t0 THe maLL wiTH my CouSIN raCh anD goT a CoupLE dEaLS, I goT my OutFiT foR the JEssIca SimPSon ConCert - - cuTe, whiCh lEt me ReMInd YOu the COncErt iS iN 32 dAys :D
- - -* SatURdaY i haD to CleaN in THe mORnIN wiTH RacHeL anD afTErwarDs we wENt to gET soME lUncH.. YuM. ThEN i DroPPed HEr Off AnD weNT h0me. DavID caLLed anD t0ld me T0 c0me oVEr so i DId, wE waTched LAnden FOr tHE nigHT... thaT was Fun. :D
- - -* SunDAy Is TraDitIonaL beaCh daY fOR me And RaE aND My Aunt And UnCle. GoT hOME aBouT 4:3o aND saT feR a Bit.. SuDdenLy doNt feEl GOoD anYMore So I`ll ProLLy siT hEre TOniGHT anD g0 t0 beD eaRly. :\
. . . AND tHaTS aBOuT aLL i hAVE to BlaB aBOut Fer NoW, S0 I`LL uPDatE mOre LAtEr, I lOvE y0u AlL bUNchEs <3 . . .