positive results!

Jun 09, 2006 03:12

Staffer working on Patriot Act: Power is always abused; we were putting the Japanese in intermittent camps in the thirties during World War I.

Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC

Overheard by: Intern

There are so many things wrong with that statement...oh so many...

- - - - -

Melanie went to the vet today. The tech drew blood from the vein in her neck instead of her arm, since it was "faster that way". It made me totally nervous, but Melanie didn't even flinch. She only cried when we were in the car going to and from the vet, and not while we were there. She's SO GOOD. Today's bloodwork was also only $20 [YES!], so I paid that plus my remaining balance from last time, and I still have some money left over until I'm paid on Monday, which is awesome.

Dr. Edwards called this afternoon with Melanie's results. Her kidney values are at 4.6 and they should be less than 2.4, so we still have a long way to go, but her values WERE at 5.8 a month ago, so we've come a long way.

We'll be keeping her on the Eukanuba Veterinary Diets Multi-Stage Renal, and we'll keep giving her fluids 1-2 times a week. I hate the thought of giving her fluids, but it's obviously helping her. I think it hurts us more than it hurts her. On Wednesday when Pop and I tried to do it, he couldn't hold her still enough and she jumped away and the needle came out. Katie and Sara came over soon after, thankfully, and Katie held the needle in place while Pop and Sara held Melanie down. I'm glad they were there to help. =)

It's not that it hurts her--she often doesn't even flinch when I poke her with the needle--but she doesn't like to be held down for the 3 minutes or so while 200mls of fluid are being squeezed into her body. I can't say I blame her, though. You can see like a big bubble that forms under her skin from the fluid until it passes through her system. I think I'd be pissed about that, too.

Thank you to everyone who kept your fingers crossed, prayed, and kept Melanie in your thoughts. My kitty is getting better. =) It's not curable, but we can manage it, and she can live with this for a long time. We're going to keep hoping for the best. ♥

melanie, funny

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