yay mood theme!

Jun 07, 2006 01:47

Tracy [onelastdime] is awesome because she made this kickass mood theme, and James is awesome because he uploaded all the pics and did everything for me. YAY!

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I had a doctor's appointment at 9:30 this morning, since I've been sick since last Thursday. Turns out I had strep throat--surprise, surprise. I'm on an antibiotic for the next few days to kill anything that's left.

I took Jenn's shift at work today, because she's a douchebag and can't work for one hour with Gordon. WTF? Oh well, three more hours for me. That will come in handy because Melanie has a vet appointment on Thursday. They aren't charging me for an office visit, I guess because one of the technicians is going to do it, but we're redoing her blood work to see if there are any changes in her kidney function. Keep your fingers crossed for us!!

I have a good feeling about it this time. She's drinking more, urinating more, and I'm willing to bet that she lost a good pound. She's still lively and playful and vocal as ever. I think she's getting better, and so to Grandma and Pop.

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My dad is seriously the most awesome guy there is. He was coming home from work tonight around midnight, and I had this CRAZY craving for Middleswarth BBQ chips, so I called to ask if he'd bring me some LOL. He brought Lay's but that's okay because seriously, who else does that? MY DAD. I don't remember much of when Mom was pregnant with Allan, but I bet he was wonderful about her cravings and stuff.

I'm really glad I can say all that. I'm so lucky to have a dad who loves me so much. I'm not even his daughter, biologically, but he married my mother and adopted me and said I was his. Allan is his son, in every sense of the word, and Daddy favors me above Allan. He's just the most wonderful man in the world.

I'm going to marry someone like my dad someday.
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