When You're the Best of Friends, 19b/?

May 28, 2012 05:14

Title: When You’re the Best of Friends
Chapter Title: Kurt's Major Appliance
Author: xLessxThanx3x
Rating: PG-13 
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kurt Hummel, Noah Puckerman, Artie Abrams, Blaine Anderson, Santana Lopez, Brittany Pierce, Dave Karofsky, Sam Evans, Mercedes Jones, Tina Cohen-Chang, Warblers Current Pairings: Pucktana, Bartie, mentions of Fabrevans
Genre: fluff, angst, cuddly gooey goodness
Warnings: AU, bullying, harassment
Spoilers: Nothing past "Never Been Kissed"
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee nor any songs mentioned
Author Notes: Part of a series, cross posted to my ff.net account. So sorry for how long this has taken, thank you to anyone who has spent time reading this. Bless you all.
Summary: AU. Puck and Kurt hold hands, cuddle, know each other’s biggest secrets, and make the other a priority…but they’re not dating, they’ve just been best friends for years. Multi-chapter. Eventual Puckurt. Based off a Puckurt meme prompt. 
(Chapter Summary: Kurt's bullying situation keeps getting worse and worse, but meeting a new friend might just help him. Meanwhile, Puck tries to help get Artie laid for community service.)
Word Count: 10,950

Kurt was dragged to a coffee house that was actually inside of the school. He had no idea a school could be that rich, but he was starting to think that Dalton really was a Gay Mecca.

"Spy Kid, what do you want?" Wes asked.

"Um…" Kurt made a grab for his pocket to get his wallet but Blaine shook his head and said, "It's on me."

They were buying his last meal, it seemed. Kurt looked between them and finally said, "Nonfat mocha."

"Awesome. Wanna save us a table?" Blaine asked, nodding his head to the open area. Kurt nodded and sat down gingerly at a table as he admired the wood trim on the walls. At least he'd die in a beautiful place.

Minutes later a drink was handed to him and he commented, "It's very civilized to invite me out for coffee before you beat me up for spying"

"We're not going to beat you up," Wes said.

"You were such a terrible spy we found it sort of…endearing," David explained.

"Which made me think that spying on us wasn't the reason you came," Blaine finished for them.

Kurt looked between them, still confused about how they were treating them. "Can I ask you guys a question?" he asked, figuring it was the best time. After they nodded, he asked, "Are you guys all gay?" His question was meant with laughter and his face fell. Of course they weren't gay. He was so stupid to even consider that idea.

"Uh, no. I mean, I am, but these two have girlfriends," Blaine explained, much to Kurt's delight. Blaine had totally been flirting earlier.

"This is not a gay school; we just have a zero tolerance harassment policy."

"Everyone gets treated the same no matter what they are. It's pretty simple," Wes added.

That's what finally got Kurt. He felt tears prick at his eyes and he hated himself for getting emotional in front of people he didn't even know. What the hell was wrong with him? Hummel's were supposed to be tough and strong and there he was, about to cry like a baby in front of three complete strangers.

But it just wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that there was a school that was so perfect and amazing and Kurt was stuck at McKinley. It wasn't fair that he was without his best friend to tell him everything would be fine. It wasn't fair that he felt so completely and utterly alone when half a year earlier he felt like he had a whole group of friends.

"I take it you're having trouble at school," Blaine said quietly and Kurt looked up to find that Wes and David had left. That made it a bit easier, at least.

"I'm the only out person at my school," Kurt started slowly, his voice choked up with emotion and from tears that were so close to shedding, "And I've tried to stay strong about it, but there's this Neanderthal who's made it his life's mission to make my life a living hell. And it's just…" Kurt shook his head, no idea how to even explain anything.

"Don't you have anyone in your glee club to talk to?" Blaine asked softly.

Kurt shrugged, "We're all friends, I guess, but the guys in general feel uncomfortable around me, some of the girls are rude, and with this guy around, I've just felt so…detached from everyone. I don't want people to suffer because of me, we're low enough on the totem pole as it is."

He took a sip and continued explaining, "I have this friend, my best friend, this guy I've known my whole life. He's a big, tough guy and seems like a jerk so few people would mess with me past a few bits of bullying here or there, stuff I've gotten my whole life, like slushie facials, but I didn't really care.

"I found out last year Noah, my friend, gets a lot of crap for being my best friend, mainly just guys talking smack. And…and I was so upset. I don't want my life to ruin other people's lives. And then we got into this fight and we finally made up last month but," Kurt laughed again, "You're going to judge him, but he's in Juvie right now and I don't know when he's getting out. And I don't want to load him with my problems because it's not his fault and he has more things to work through right now."

Blaine, for his part, didn't even raise an eyebrow when Kurt talked about Noah being imprisoned. "Isn't that what friends are there for, though? You're not alone, Kurt, and you shouldn't make yourself alone."

"I don't want Noah to have all of this extra stress on his shoulders because of me. I just want to know how to deal with this jerk," Kurt sighed. "I'm just so frustrated since I don't know what to do."

"I know how you feel," Blaine responded. "I may not know all the details, but I know how you feel. I was taunted at my old school and it really pissed me off. So I came here. And I'd love to tell you to enroll, but Dalton is expensive, I know that, and you may not be able to afford it. But my advice would be, if you're so frustrated, is to not let it stand, Kurt. Fight back and educate him."


"Confront him, call him out!" Blaine explained. "I ran, Kurt, I didn't stand up. I let bullies chase me away and it is something I really, really regret. And I think you'll feel better about yourself if you stand up for yourself."

Kurt looked up from his cup and nodded slowly, a crooked smile growing on his face. "Thanks, Blaine."

"Of course," Blaine replied before taking a sip of his drink. He looked at Kurt and narrowed his eyes, not in an unfriendly way, just in a thoughtful way. "Do you want my number? That way you can call me, beep me, if you want to reach me."

Kurt burst out with laughter, "You did not just quote the Kim Possible theme song!"

Blaine couldn't stop himself from smiling at Kurt's infectious laugh. And just a minute later the two had exchanged contact information and Kurt was smiling behind his coffee. Maybe things were finally going to look up for him.


Puck was, thankfully, not grounded from dating and driving, so he picked up Artie in his mom's minivan (the replacement for the Volvo he had totaled). Earlier that day he and Artie had asked Santana and Brittany out on a date using the whole treating them rude technique he heard about in Juvie. The girls agreed, calling them cool even, and Artie declared Puck was a genius, which Puck just shrugged at with a grin. So, after he got his mom to shave his 'hawk in, Puck left for his bad ass session.

They arrived at Breadstix to find the girls waiting for them (he drove them around the block a few times to arrive late). They kept talking about various things throughout the date when Puck finally told them a completely fictionalized account of his time in Juvie.

"So I turned around and flexed my left pec," Puck did so, "And my right pec," he did so, "And said…leggo my eggo. And you know what he does?" Brittany and Artie leaned in while Santana watched eagerly, spellbound. "He leggo's my eggo!" He chuckles while they all oo and ah, Santana even saying he should be the nation's president.

He felt that if he was actually out and about he should stop by Kurt's house, but he didn't want to risk running into Burt first and having to talk to him. He couldn't call Kurt and, well, he decided he wanted to surprise Kurt in class the next day. So he guiltily sipped at his water as they waited for their check. Artie was totally rocking his date with Brittany, at least, so he was doing some good in the world.

As the waitress left the check, Puck started to pull his money out while Santana raised an eyebrow. "You're really going to pay? I thought you were a complete bad boy now."

Brittany looked at him with her usual expressionless face, but Artie looked at him with wide eyes. Puck looked between the three of them and, after a moment's thought, just smirked and said, "Go ahead then, girls; we'll meet you out front."

After Artie maneuvered himself out of the way Brittany could leave, the two boys watched the girls leave. "Damn, always nice to watch a Cheerio skirt leave," Puck commented.

"You're not seriously going to dine and dash, are you?" Artie asked in a whisper.

"No!" Puck said immediately. "I'm not going to risk getting caught and going back," he whispered quickly.

Artie looked confused at how scared Puck looked. "But I thought you loved it there?"

"…I did," Puck lied. "I just can't get laid there." Artie nodded as Puck pulled out the cash they earned in the cafeteria. Artie added a reasonable tip and the two left.

"C'mon, let's go before they come after us," Puck said once they got outside, quickly loading them up as if they were in a hurry.

When they drove away, Santana put a hand on Puck's thigh, "Bad boys are so hot."

Brittany did the same to Artie, "Totally hot."

Puck and Artie made eye contact in his rear view mirror and smirked. They were so getting laid.


Kurt was smiling as he walked around McKinley the next day. He had a cute guy's phone number stored on his iPhone and he actually felt like he could make it through the bullying. But if he thought he was happy then, he had no idea what Glee club would hold for him.

When he entered the choir room, Kurt froze by the door, Mercedes stopping next to him. "Noah?" He exclaimed in a question to the figure standing with Sam by the chairs. Puck turned to him and his hands flew to his mouth with a squeak as Puck called back Kurt with a wide smile.

Without a second thought, Kurt took off his messenger bag and shoved it into Mercedes' hands and took off running. He literally attacked Puck with a hug as he laughed. Puck hugged almost painfully tight, lifting Kurt up in the air and turning him around for extra effect, Kurt giggling even more as he burrowed his head in the crook of Puck's shoulder. When he put Kurt down, still hugging him, he laughed, "Oh my God, you're crying, aren't you?"

"Shut up, you are, too," Kurt retorted.

As the two kept on hugging, Sam watched with his head tilted to the side. He had never seen them doing anything like that before he joined Glee, but maybe Glee was like their safe place or something? It seemed like Kurt was flirting with him during the whole duets project, but maybe Finn was just telling him to stay away so he wouldn't get hurt by Puck for flirting with his ex-girlfriend and his current boyfriend.

"Is Puck Kurt's boyfriend?" Sam asked rather loudly. Puck and Kurt didn't noticed, but a few people laughed loudly and Santana glared and went to Schue's office to change for the mash up the girls were performing in Glee that day.

"No," Mercedes sighed, walking up to where Puck, Kurt, and Sam were. "They've just been best friends since, like, ever. Kind of like Brittany and Santana but even more obnoxious," she explained which, for whatever reason beyond Sam's knowledge made Tina laugh so hard she had to run into Schue's office to join Santana. "They were in a fight earlier this school year or else you would've noticed them all up in each other's business. Seems like they've made up, so get used to it; everyone has." She turned to Kurt and thrust the bag he had shoved into her hands back to him. "Kurt, I need to go change. Take your bag back," Mercedes said.

The two finally pulled away and Kurt took the bag back, "Thanks, 'Cedes."

"No problem." She turned to look at Puck up and down and said, "Guess we're friends again. Welcome back."

Puck smiled brightly, "Thanks, 'Cedes." Mercedes finally cracked a smile before turning around and leaving.

"Now that the opening hugs are done with," Kurt started, reaching into his bag for something, "I have another thing to do now that I can touch you again." Puck tilted his head in confusion and Sam backed away, sure that Kurt was going to, like, strip him right then and there by how Puck had twirled him around like they were in a romantic movie. Kurt pulled out a folder and dropped the bag again and then started repeatedly hitting Puck on the arm.

"Ow! Ow! Kurt, what the hell?"

"Don't," hit, "you," hit, "ever," hit, "do," hit, "something," hit, "so stupid," hit, "ever again!"

"Ow! Shit, Kurt, I promise, I promise I won't...ow!" Puck said helplessly. Sam watched with wide eyes. He didn't know Puck that well, but he gave off this vibe of not being easily effected by or easily caring about what people did, but Kurt wasn't even hitting him that hard and he was bowing to his mercy.

"Good," Kurt said dropping the folder on his bag and hugging Puck again. "I'm glad you're back."

The two walked over to where the boys were going to watch the girls' performance and Sam kept watching with wide eyes. The other boys seemed very unaffected and Sam didn't understand how that was possible. These two guys were, like, all over each other and Finn didn't seem that okay with gay dudes before. But apparently they were just friends, that's what Mercedes had said, and everyone thought it was hilarious that he didn't know that. But, either way, Sam couldn't stop watching them.

"Why didn't you text me that you were back?" Kurt asked. "I can't believe no one told me, either. Or that you didn't come over yesterday."

"Well, um…" Puck looked around and, when he realized no one listening (Sam pretended to be very interested with his shoe laces), he explained, "Ma took my phone away; I can't call or text anyone until she says so. Not even on the house phone, unless someone calls first. And then I decided to surprise you today instead, so I didn't stop by yesterday. Plus I needed to start my community service so I had to take Artie on a date with Santana and Brittany."

"Mama Mae didn't ban you from dating?"

"I don't explain Ma's brain," Puck shrugged.

Kurt watched him carefully and then smiled, "Okay. You want to come over after school then? You have to brave my dad at some point after all."

Puck made a face, "Yeah, I guess I need to. But, definitely, I've missed your house. And you, of course."

"I'm sure," Kurt laughed, leaning his head on Puck's shoulder as Mr. Schue announced that the girls were ready.

During the performance, Kurt felt his phone vibrate. He pulled it out and saw a text message from Blaine that simply read courage. He looked over at Puck only to see him too busy staring at the girls in leather. He smiled even wider realizing that with his best friend back, he really felt like he could do what Blaine said. As long as Noah was there, he could, as cheesy as it sounded, do anything.

Kurt placed his phone back in his pocket and grabbed Puck's hand. Puck immediately laced their fingers together. Things were finally in the right order.


Kurt was frozen, his hand over his lips and his eyes wild with fear.

He did it, he had done what Blaine suggested and gave Karofsky a piece of his mind. He was articulate and driven by an anger that seemed to frighten Karofsky for a second. It was perfect.

And then he kissed him.

Kurt shivered at the memory. Karofsky pressed his lips against his, mashing them together as he held his face. He even tried going for a second one that he, thankfully, didn't take when Kurt pushed him away.

Of course it was all making sense. Karofsky had been hassling Kurt more and more because he was afraid of his own sexuality, maybe even how he felt about Kurt. But Kurt couldn't feel the joy he thought he'd feel over a guy liking him when his first kiss with a boy was yanked away from him like some sort of...sort of…sort of…

Damn it, he couldn't even think of a good analogy his mind was so rattled.

He heard the door to the locker room open but didn't move, still frozen to where he stood. Even though he was facing the door and could easily be seen by any jocks who wanted to bully him, he didn't move.

"Kurt?" Kurt finally focused in on what was right in front of him, unable to believe his luck. There was Noah in all of his glory, looking at him with confusion that quickly morphed into concern. He sat down next to Kurt and immediately asked, "Kurt, what's wrong?"

Kurt put the hand over his mouth to the side of his eyes real quick. Nope, no tears. But Noah was Noah, of course he knew something was wrong from just looking at him.

"He kissed me," Kurt said quietly.

Puck raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

"Karofsky," Kurt said in a small voice, sitting down. Saying it made it so real, like it actually happened and wasn't just his imagination. "I came in here, I yelled at him for how he was treating me, and he kissed me." Kurt looked back up towards Puck as he started sitting down next to him, confusion still clear on his face.

Then Kurt looked straight ahead of him and explained everything to Noah. He explained how the bullying increased over the school year, how Karofsky seemed more adamant about it than any of the other jocks, how he met this nice guy named Blaine who gave him advice to confront Karofsky and how when he followed it, Karofsky grabbed his face and forced a kiss on him.

"I shouldn't be so upset," Kurt said in a monotone voice, still showing little emotion. "It's just a kiss, I'm being stupid-"

"No you're not," Puck hissed and Kurt turned to look at him for the first time since he started explaining the past few months. Puck was seething, looking even more upset than he had looked when Finn complained about having to take care of Quinn or when he attacked Finn for calling Kurt that word last spring. "You are not stupid, Kurt, you are not stupid for being upset. This guy, this guy has made your life hell and all because he can't handle his sexuality? Not cool. I still don't understand mine but I'm not forcing kisses on random dudes!"

"It's just a kiss-"

"Bullshit, Kurt, I know you think it's more than that," Puck said, standing up and moving to stand right in front of Kurt. "I know how important your first kiss was to you, how you wanted it to be special and romantic, and some closet case comes in and steals it from you-you have a right to be upset, Kurt. You have a right to cry about that, and I'm going to kill that fucker for everything he's done-"

"No!" Kurt shouted as Puck turned around. Puck turned back and Kurt stood up. "Noah, if you touch him, your parole could be violated and I-if I have to deal with not having you in school again, I-I'll…" Kurt trailed off and attacked Puck with a hug, holding him tightly. "I had half a year without you, No, I can't do that again," Kurt whispered. "Please don't hurt him."

Puck hugged Kurt back and finally relented, "Okay. I promise."

After a few moments of just hugging in silence, relishing the contact they hadn't had for so long, Kurt whispered, "My biggest tormentor took my first kiss." Puck felt a small tear on his shoulder and held Kurt tighter, ready to brave whatever storm Kurt threw his way.


Eventually Kurt texted Blaine the situation and Blaine replied he'd meet him at McKinley the next day to help him confront Karofsky again. Kurt texted Blaine his gratitude and told all of that to Puck in his basement as his iPhone played a playlist, a smile on his face the whole time. While Puck was happy for Kurt, he wasn't sure how he felt about this Blaine guy. He had inadvertently made Kurt lose his first male kiss after all. Plus he was probably some smarmy douchebag like all the private school guys were.

"And the best part? He's actually gay," Kurt finished and Puck felt his stomach sink. Why did it do that? He should've been ecstatic his best friend had a real chance, but it just made him upset. Like he was already cast aside again.

"Oh…that's great!" Puck said, phoning in enthusiasm for Kurt. Kurt smiled and Puck added, "Seems like Santana's quite okay with riding the Puckerman Express again."

Kurt was a bit put off at that. "Oh…um, great? But are you sure you want to get in a relationship with her again? That didn't work so well the last time," Kurt said.

"Who said it was a relationship?" Puck snorted. "For once I actually have control and she's not wearing the pants. I got her where I want her. Who knew serving back all the sass she gives people would be the key to that? And Artie's with Brittany, and it's kind of cool hanging out with him every now and then. And wherever Britt goes, Santana goes, so seeing him is an upside."

"Well, I'm glad you have another friend to run around with. As long as you always come back to me. Even if Santana shows up wearing nothing and holding a condom, we're keeping our Friday Night Friend Date," Kurt teased, recalling words Puck had told him about Finn the year before as he crawled onto Puck's lap.

"You're such a goof," Puck laughed, picking up a pillow and hitting Kurt on the back of the head softly.

"Stop it, you brute!" Kurt cried out, squirming away from the pillow attack that was ruining his hair until he fell off the bed. But before Puck could whoop in victory, Kurt reached for his ticklish spot on his stomach and mercilessly moved his fingers against it until Puck was breathlessly laying across the floor. Kurt turned on his side as Puck started getting his breath back, turning to face Kurt.

"Wasn't too hard to get back in the swing of things, huh?"

Kurt smiled back, "Apparently not. Here's to that."

But although the tickling and falling off of furniture happened before, something was different about it. Puck's arms wrapped easily around Kurt's waist as per usual, but his hands rested in the little dip of Kurt's lower back above his ass. It was dangerous territory for a platonic touch, about as dangerous as how close their lips were as they laid down on the floor, the docile tones of Dusty Springfield, one of Kurt's favorite female artists of the '60s, played on through his iPhone's speakers.

Puck looked into Kurt's eyes. They always made him think of that stupid song that Moulin Rouge stole from Elton, about how the guy couldn't remember if the chick's eyes were green or blue. It seemed insulting to Puck; like, how was that romantic, the dude didn't know this chick's eye color, but Kurt always swooned at the idea. Puck wondered if it was because Kurt's eyes weren't quite green and weren't quite blue, but still definitely the sweetest eyes out there.

Then he heard a familiar song start on the speakers and he sat up immediately, Kurt forced up with him because of his hold. "Ow," Kurt griped, pushing Puck's hands away from his waist. "What the heck, Noah?"

"We had the best years of our lives, but you and I will never be the same," Puck sang along to the song, looking at Kurt with excited disbelief. "September took me by surprise and I was left to watch the seasons change."

Kurt's eyes widened as he realized just when he had bought that song and just what it had meant to him and how the guy he associated with the song actually knew it. "It's been so quiet since you've gone and everyday feels more like a year. Sometimes I wish I could move on, the memories would all just disappear," Kurt sang, taking over the Avril part. They stared at each other as the song went on before bursting into laughter. Unknowingly, the two had bought the same song to mourn their friendship.

Some things really didn't change.


Puck had asked Kurt over and over if he was sure he didn't want him there when he and Blaine talked to Karofsky. He could help if the guy got handsy again or tried to beat him up. Kurt insisted that he didn't want to risk Puck losing his temper and attacking him and going back to Juvie. Plus he had Blaine with him. Puck talked to the dude briefly before leaving as per Kurt's orders and, yeah, the guy seemed okay, but he couldn't take on Karofsky, but Puck just let it go.

When Puck went to sit outside during lunch, he wished he had come along anyways. Blaine and Kurt were sitting over by the tree he and Kurt used to eat lunch at the year before. That was the place where he and Kurt laughed and talked about their day and Kurt forced Puck to eat his vegetables, the place that was just their own until Kurt started befriending the Glee kids and they started sitting with them at lunch. But that spot remained theirs, the spot for Kurt and Puck.

But now their not-so-secret place held Kurt and Blaine-that wasn't a name, it was a major appliance or something!-and, to add even more insult to his injury or whatever, Puck could tell Kurt was really enjoying Blaine's company. He was laughing and smiling, his whole face glowing. It was like Blaine was the best thing to ever happen to him.

Puck wasn't upset that Kurt was having fun without him, really. He was just upset that he was by himself when he was supposed to be back to being friends with Kurt again. Kurt could've texted him to meet at their spot, he knew Puck was worried about how the confrontation would go. Or Kurt could've flirted with this stranger bitch at another place, too, but he had chosen instead to defile their spot.

One thing was clear as Puck threw away his barely touched lunch: that Blaine dude was trouble.


Puck was still in a miserable mood from seeing Kurt and Blaine together when he was called out of class. He walked into the principal's office with Mr. Schue and felt his stomach drop when he recognized his parole officer.

"I did everything I said I would," he said as soon as he sat down. "Just ask my bro, Artie, he has a girlfriend now all because of me, even with his wheelchair. He totally got laid the other night!"

"When you said you were working with a handicapped individual, I assumed you were doing a program through school or through a community group, not helping a friend get 'laid'," she said dryly.

"Look, there must be something we can work out," Schue said, "Puck's been a model student since he's been back."

"Two whole days, that's impressive," she said in that same sarcastic voice. "Look, if Mr. Puckerman doesn't do real community service we'll have to send him back to the correctional facility-"

"Screw that!" Puck yelled, standing back up, fear pooling in his stomach. What used to be his nipple hurt at just the thought of going back to that place. He couldn't stand the idea of going back, being behind bars and separated from Kurt as he got closer to Blaine. "I'm not going back there!"

"Cool it, Puckerman," Figgins warned.

"No, I'm not calming down and I'm not going back there."

"Puck," Schue started in that stupid soft voice of his, "We're just trying to look out for you."

"No you aren't! Since when have any of you cared about me?" Puck yelled. Figgins never helped him out and Schue didn't even punish Finn for beating his face in last year and that bitch of an officer wasn't really helping him, either. "None of you guys care about me," he went on, his mind's eye picturing Kurt and Blaine laughing together without him.

He turned to his parole officer and felt rage course through him as she just took notes as if she was better than all of them, better than him, just like Blaine apparently was. "What are you writing?" he asked loudly, "Stop writing!" He pushed her notebook out of her hands before repeating, "I'm not going back there," and storming out of the room, not noticing Artie was in the hallway watching him curiously.


"I didn't see you in Geometry today," Artie observed as he wheeled up to Puck's locker.

"Nice observation. There's no point in going, anyways. They're going to send me back if I don't start doing 'real' community service," Puck said hopelessly as he leaned against the cool metal.

"Just pick up some trash on the highway, then."

"Are you serious? That's so ghetto, man," Puck snorted, not wanting to admit he was worried about skin cancer and all that. "I ain't no garbage man. I'm not doing that…but I'm not going back to Juvie."

"I thought you loved it there, that you ruled the place," Artie said, confused.

Puck snorted, "I made that up to get laid. It's freakin' terrifying, dude. On the first day three gang members attacked me and before the guards could get them off of me they pulled out my nipple ring. I thought I was a Bad Ass? There are some hard dudes in there. Guys with no families, guys who look at you like a dog they can't wait to kick the crap out of…they kept taking my waffles." Artie would've laughed at Puck's childlike pout about his waffles if he wasn't so concerned. "And even if I do that, what does it matter? Kurt can help me catch up in every subject but math-don't tell him I said that, he doesn't like admitting he's bad at anything."

"So…you'll be my community service," Artie said brightly.

"…What?" Puck asked. He said it so brokenly as if he were surprised that anyone would help him. And Artie realized he was surprised that someone would help him. Who had ever shown him sympathy besides Kurt, after all? Artie had tried once and failed, but Puck seemed to have forgotten that in between having to give his daughter up and losing and then getting back his best friend.

"I owe you one; you got me a date with Brittany," Artie continued. "And you made me feel cool, which is not the easiest thing to do," he said with a smile that grew as Puck slowly smiled back. "I really like hanging out with you, so let me tutor you in Geometry while you pick up garbage by the highway. Kurt can even come with if he wants, if you want." Puck looked willing but still apprehensive, so Artie went on, "Geometry's easy, yo! I mean, I know that Kurt thinks that a prism is just something Sailor Moon uses to defeat villains, but there's no reason a guy as smart as you shouldn't get at least a B." Before Puck could give him a glare, Artie amended, "Like you said, Kurt's smart at other things, but he just doesn't understand math-he thought a box had four sides, Puck-so I know he can't help you there. Give me six weeks and if you don't pass, I'll buy you all the waffles you can eat. You and Kurt."

"I doubt Kurt would allow himself to eat all of that…but that's dope, dude," Puck finally agreed. "You got yourself a deal."

He was about to leave with Artie when he heard a loud slam against the metal of the lockers. Much to his anger, he looked up and saw Karofsky walking away as Kurt was collapsed onto the floor, bringing his knees into his chest. Puck gripped his fists as Artie wheeled over to Kurt. "You alright, Kurt?"

Puck was next to Kurt after a few strides and helped him up, Kurt standing shakily. Noah turned to Artie and gave him a significant look as he said, "Um, I'll see you later, dude?"

Artie got the hint and nodded back, "Yeah, see ya later," before rolling off, giving the two one last look before he turned the corner. Kurt was nodding as if he was telling Puck he was really okay and Puck held onto Kurt's shoulders, the students not even caring as they passed by; even if it had been months since they saw it, that was just Kurt and Puck for you.

Artie smiled to himself as he wheeled down the hallways of McKinley. Maybe he could also help pay back Puck getting him a date with Brittany by finally helping him and Kurt get together.


"So you talked to the officer and everything's set?" Kurt asked.

"Yup, all set," Puck said as Kurt's Navigator drove onto their destination.

"And you have the Geometry textbook, Artie?" Kurt asked, making eye contact through his rear view mirror.

"Yup," Artie chimed in. At first he was nervous riding with Kurt since he was sure he hated him because of what he said, but Kurt just said it was fine because it had introduced him to a very good friend. The mention of the friend, Blair or something, made Puck glare sourly so Artie avoided bringing it up again.

"And I have the sunscreen," Kurt said in a sing-song voice, turning down the radio and slowing down. "Here we are," he said with an enthusiastic smile, pouring sunscreen onto his hands and lathering himself up in what had to be his fifth coat since the three of them had breakfast at IHOP (Puck really wanted some waffles after a month without them). Then Kurt turned to Puck and started rubbing him with the white liquid, Puck groaning like a little kid but staying still as Kurt reminded him about sun cancer.

"You know, you don't look too bad in orange," Kurt commented, putting on a hat that matched the sunglasses he already had on for the drive.

"Yeah, yeah," Puck muttered as he got out of the car. He got Artie's chair out and then picked up Artie and put him on it. Then he grabbed the tools he had been given and, with a heavy sigh, started picking up trash along the highway.

"So," Artie started as Kurt tried to find shade, "Pythagorean Theorem states that A-squared plus B-squared equals C-squared…"

puckurt, rated: pg-13, story: wytbof, author: xlessxthanx3x

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